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  1. C

    Question about maintaining mothers for my first grow

    Thanks for the replies guys, but I just had a few more follow up questions I'm unsure about. I measured the plants and each is about 2.5ft. This took about 8 weeks to grow. If you guys were in my position, would you take clones from them since you know they are a female and grow the clones out...
  2. C

    Question about maintaining mothers for my first grow

    Hey guys, thought I'd give you all some background first. I've been vegging three AK47/SSH plants that showed the most promise from the ones I've germinated. I'm growing these in individual hempy buckets using the 3 series GH nutrients. I'm in the ninth week of growing and two of the tree are...
  3. C

    Just germinated my first seeds, have a quick question about nutrients

    Cool, thanks for the quick reply. Looks like I'll hold off the nutrients for the time being. Strange question, but is there a best way to water these rockwool cubes? I don't want to water them in a way that could potentially break them apart but I have a feeling misting would take forever...
  4. C

    Just germinated my first seeds, have a quick question about nutrients

    Hey guys what's up. Well the seeds I've been trying to germinate finally cracked and out came the root tip! So I had some soaked rock wool cubes on standby. Once I knew they were ready, I took the rock wool cubes and gently squeezed the excess water out so they were damp and not dripping wet...
  5. C

    How many CFL watts per plant during veggie?

    Thanks for the replies guys! So I guess the consensus is more lights then? Hmmm...interesting. Not exactly what I was hoping for but at least I know, haha. If it helps, here's what I was hoping to do. Since this my first grow, I'll germinate 10 seeds or so (maybe a little less, who knows)...
  6. C

    How many CFL watts per plant during veggie?

    Anybody? Just a simple yes, need more, etc would suffice. Thanks.
  7. C

    How many CFL watts per plant during veggie?

    Hey guys, I have everything I need and I will probably start this weekend. This will be my first grow so suffice to say, I'm just a tad excited! My school girl giddiness aside, I just have a quick question. I plan on germinating 10 AK47/SSH seeds. I plan on vegging them until their sex shows...
  8. C

    Looking to do a vertical grow and need advice with mothers and clones

    Hey guys, After much contemplating, I believe I've decided to go with a vertical grow using Hempy buckets for my SSHxAK47 seeds. I was inspired by this guy, who has 15 plants flowering from a single 400 watt HPS light in a 4x4 space. The grow tent I'm looking at is 4x4 and this is something I...
  9. C

    Smoking Paraphernalia Pictures!

    Hey guys, sorry to bump this thread, but I've been in the market for a kickass pipe for a while now and this is definitely one of the best I've seen. Does ANYONE know where this is being sold at? I did a search for a "sarah" pipe but I found absolutely nothing. I tried PM'ing schoolie but I...
  10. C

    First grow set up, need a bunch of help PLEASE!

    1000 HPS? Really? I thought I'd be good with something less like a 400HPS or a 600HPS? What else would do to make this work? Please guys. I've that close to getting started, hell, I started checking out local stores to see who had what, I just need this final bit of information to be completely...
  11. C

    First grow set up, need a bunch of help PLEASE!

    Hey guys, allow me to warn you in advance. This post will be somewhat strange but it will encompass every thing I'm unsure about so that I can convince myself that I'm ready to do this. Let's me try something different here. I'll let you guys be in my shoes and hopefully what you reply with...
  12. C

    How do you provide light to the mothers and the clones?

    Hey guys, this question popped up in my head and I'm not sure what to do. Alright, I'll be doing a 6 plant DWC setup for the veggie stage. Of course that gets a light. Now I also want to clone from the healthy mothers. Would I need another light strictly for the clones? I would place the clones...
  13. C

    Growing 6 AK47's via DWC, what specs should I use for equipment?

    Anybody? And on second thought, I might just do 4 or 5 plants for flowering. I mean, wouldn't the plants simply get too big and too crowed if I were to bud 6 plants together like that?
  14. C

    Whats the deal with those T5 lights?

    This is the first time I've heard of T5 and what you just posted really does sound pretty awesome. So are these T5's the real deal? I was under the impression regular ol' fluorescents would do the job nicely for the vegetative stage but do these T5's really blow the fluors out of the water...
  15. C

    Growing 6 AK47's via DWC, what specs should I use for equipment?

    Hey guys, first time grower here looking to get some quick help before I take the plunge and purchase some things tomorrow. Like the title says, I'll be growing some AK47. And by specs I mean what size reservoir do I need, what size pump in terms of g/ph, how big of an air stone, what size net...
  16. C

    Loads of general questions, please help!

    Hey guys. I'm feeling more and more confident everyday to start my very first DWC hydro grow and was wondering if I get some last questions answered for me. I'm contemplating growing a sativa and indica at the same time to get two plants that affect me differently but I'm still unsure about some...
  17. C

    Possible to grow a Sativa and an Indica at the same time?

    Thanks for the fast replies guys, it's appreciated. If it's cool with everyone, I had a few more general questions that go with this that I would appreciate any replies from. If you think I'll get better responses if I just posted a new thread, please let me know. 1. Are the root developments...
  18. C

    Possible to grow a Sativa and an Indica at the same time?

    Hey guys, I've decided to start growing my own stash and so far the biggest problem I'm having is picking strains. I'd like to have one strain that makes me relax, chill out and if smoked enough, gets me insane couch lock and one strain that is uplifting, leaves me with a shit eating grin on me...
  19. C

    Need help picking some strands

    I hate to bump my own threads but I'm still a little lost. Thanks!