First grow set up, need a bunch of help PLEASE!

Chowder Head

Active Member
Hey guys, allow me to warn you in advance. This post will be somewhat strange but it will encompass every thing I'm unsure about so that I can convince myself that I'm ready to do this.

Let's me try something different here. I'll let you guys be in my shoes and hopefully what you reply with will definitely help me out.

Ok, here we go! You just got 10 AK47 seeds from serious seeds. You want a definite DWC setup for the flowering stage, and probably another DWC set up for the veggie stage. You want to do clones of course from the best mother and you want to set up your system so you have 4 AK47 plants budding in the flowering stage while the rest chill in the veggie room, waiting to be placed in the flowering room next. How would you go on about constructing this?

In your response, please, please try to tell me as much detail as possible. I know how to grow this set up DWC but I don't know what parts I need. Let me know what kind of DWC setup you would use for the veggie room (like a 6 plant enclosure, individual plants in individual containers, etc) how would you set up the flowering DWC set up (4 plants in one big Rubbermaid reservoir or 4 plants in 4 separate containers) what size air stones and air pumps you would use for each DWC set up, what size HPS lighting you would use for the flowering room, what kind of bulb you would use for the veggie room, and so forth.

How would you set up the veggie room so that the mother, the clones that are rooted in the DWC setup, and the the just cut and placed clones so that each has access to the same light source? If you used multiple individual containers for the individual DWC set up, would you buy a giant air pump and have the run to each container or would you buy several small pumps for each container?

I THINK that's it. I've read every FAQ and DIY article out there and I know HOW to build it but what I don't know is how to build it to fit my specifications. I don't want to use a reservoir that looks good but turns out to be too small, pick out a HPS that looks good but turns out to not give enough light to my plants, and so forth.

So any replies, any at all would be extremely appreciated, you have no idea. I've been contemplating growing for a WHILE now and everytime I think I have everything in check, there always comes up something I don't know how to solve. So if I could see what you guys would do in my shoes, guys with a hell of a lot more experience than me doing this, I will definitely figure out exactly what to do. And of course during my grow, I'll create the most bitching grow log EVAR that will help out people who are unsure what to do just like myself as of this post.

Thanks again in advance!!

Chowder Head

Active Member
1000 HPS? Really? I thought I'd be good with something less like a 400HPS or a 600HPS?

What else would do to make this work? Please guys. I've that close to getting started, hell, I started checking out local stores to see who had what, I just need this final bit of information to be completely ready.

And when I mean what would you all do, I mean what's the most cost effective way to go? Sure, I could make a room dedicated to this, have several 1000W HPS lights that flowering 20 + plants but that's just a dream. I just want to know exactly what I need to build a stable efficient grow room that nets some good bud on a consistent basis.

Please help!