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  1. C

    First soil mix with amendments question

    All I could find was cow manure at my local store. Would this be sufficient? And the white spidey web looking things in my cooking soil are a good thing right? Another question, The lime I added was hydrated am I screwed?
  2. C

    First soil mix with amendments question

    Thought I read the ultimate organic is ORMI is listed. Could be wrong though. I didnt see any gauno at my gardening store any other suggestions?
  3. C

    First soil mix with amendments question

    So far for my soil mix I've added : 1 Bag of Pro-mix 3 cups of Espoma plant tone for tomatoes 1 cup blood meal 1 cup bone meal 1/2 cup lime Any suggestions on if im missing anything? I'm going for a no nutes water only grow.
  4. C

    The first attempt/learning journal

    How come some of my cotyledons curl up and some curl down?
  5. C

    The first attempt/learning journal

    Day 10 Excited every day to wake up and see progress! Not a whole lot to update, soil still feels damp. Lookin good I think!
  6. C

    The first attempt/learning journal

    Day 9 Alright, murdered one of the little guys in the closet with a 65w grow bulb being to close. For some reason one of my lamps puts out quite a bit more heat then the other two. Lesson learned! moved it up, the others seem to be doing fine. Pretty much all the ones in the box are looking...
  7. C

    The first attempt/learning journal

    Yeah I'm gonna build a better box within the next couple weeks and do the inside white, I set myself a hobby budget and thats gonna have to go next time:cry:
  8. C

    The first attempt/learning journal

    Moved the lights down a couple inches, I grabbed one of the bulbs on accident and there was almost no heat coming off of it. I'm thinking of switching my plants to 12/12 tomorrow or the next day as I want to make sure I dont outgrow my area on this one.
  9. C

    The first attempt/learning journal

    Hello there! This is the journal of a 100% first time noob. That being said feel free to comment on anything you see. I feel like I've done a ton of research, And continue to do so in my spare time. This attempt has costed me a little over 100$ with things Ive picked up from local stores in my...
  10. C

    My first!

    About the geotagging, I did a quick google search. Not much about it, I took it with my Iphone camera, I have no social media apps on the phone (I dont actually use any). Does that apply to the photos I took?
  11. C

    My first!

    Alright, The time I actually was on the other side of the table, I was under a different set of circumstances then a normal US citizen would be. If anyone wants to hear a story of what kind of technology the Feds used PM me and I'll explain what I've seen. Short story the movie Eagle Eye is no...
  12. C

    My first!

    Oshit! I'm gonna go burn my router laptop and iphone, then move. BRB
  13. C

    My first!

    Hello all, I've scoured the intraweb for all the information I can, I love this forum and the community you all have built here. I would really like to post my setup and get your feedback. Buuuut, As I have had my own experiences with Special Agents and the such, I'm worried about posting my...