My first!


Active Member
Hello all, I've scoured the intraweb for all the information I can, I love this forum and the community you all have built here. I would really like to post my setup and get your feedback. Buuuut, As I have had my own experiences with Special Agents and the such, I'm worried about posting my stuff on an internet forum. Has anyone heard of negative experiences linked to serving warrants on the server of this address? If I do post are there things I should exclude things to watch out for. And If im an Idiot for posting this question in this forum let me know that to! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I sriousely doubt it's true, for one thing even if they read your post and assume you're growing, no judge would sign a warrent without possitive proof, just because you state that you're growing doen't mean you actually are, you could be speaking on someone elses behave, I don't knw, I seriousely doubt it, of course I can't speak for other countries, just for the US.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Used to be worried about it, but now I don't give a fuck. More likely to be ratted out by a friend then hunted down on the internet for a plant or two.


Well-Known Member
Just the basics for any forum. No name address and make sure your pictures arent geotagged.


Well-Known Member
Used to be worried about it, but now I don't give a fuck. More likely to be ratted out by a friend then hunted down on the internet for a plant or two.
Yep, as the old saying goes... Friends will be the first to f**k you. I'd say 80% of the people who get told on are by either friends or acquaintances. After all, no one tells there enemies anything.


Active Member
Alright, The time I actually was on the other side of the table, I was under a different set of circumstances then a normal US citizen would be. If anyone wants to hear a story of what kind of technology the Feds used PM me and I'll explain what I've seen. Short story the movie Eagle Eye is no stretch for these guys. Granted they take homeland security much more seriously then a gardening citizen. Anyways, made me paranoid :roll:
Oh and thank you for the serious responses, appreciate it much.


Well-Known Member
And if you have a monster grow, just say its a cpl and show your best 1s. People will only know what you tell thwem.


Active Member
About the geotagging, I did a quick google search. Not much about it, I took it with my Iphone camera, I have no social media apps on the phone (I dont actually use any). Does that apply to the photos I took?


Staff member
theres nothing they can use against you on this site, read the tos when you sign up people. Aside from that feds have much more bigger thins to do then research through over 400,000 member's and what they are doing at all times,


Well-Known Member
Go to your pics on phone, and click on info. It will tell you if pic is tagged. There is an option in your settings to turn this feature on and off, Most GPS capable phones have geotagging.


Well-Known Member
theres nothing they can use against you on this site, read the tos when you sign up people. Aside from that feds have much more bigger thins to do then research through over 400,000 member's and what they are doing at all times,
things. not thins.

than. not then.

members. not member's.

period. not comma.

I love you sunni. You know I jest thee. But since you don't want to have babies with me, I still get to make fun of you.


Staff member
things. not thins.

than. not then.

members. not member's.

period. not comma.

I love you sunni. You know I jest thee. But since you don't want to have babies with me, I still get to make fun of you.
:roll: i have a thousand other posts to respond to sorry i try to grab all the errors, but sometimes it slips either way ,ontop of that i have about 50 PM's im trying to solve. dont be a douche in introduce yourself you'll scare people away