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    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    dam bro, i had the same problem many time with leaves loosing strength last summer, this year has been killer to plants. More more water, those babies need atleast 2 gallons of water each per day per plant... best advice would be to get a underground irrigation system and pump. and leave it on...
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    Is Miracle Grow really the devil???

    i would nver use miracle grow. you can go down to your local garden center and ask for soil thats alive and buy some organic nutes and ur set they cost about the same and show healthier growth, disease resistance, larger better tasting yeilds. miracle grow is dead soil made from 100% chemical in...
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    Sweet Seeds Big Devil & Fast Bud outdoors

    +rep. been waiting to see someone else start from seed, good luck. how far in the soil did u put the seeds?
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    Very first grow\

    you should wait another month and a half - 2 months, once all the hairs turn dark brown. an once some on the hairs start to turn, start flushing with water that has been let sit out for 2 weeks, i would also go to your local garden center, pick up some advanced nutrients nirvana and some...
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    I'm planning on growing outside, will plants be ok without my tending to them?

    yea you will have to water every 2 days once it starts to get hot and soak the soil a few times. nute every week. good luck
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    Magnesium Deficiency

    your light is wayyy to close pull it up a few inches lol babies dont need 400watt hps lights a foot away from them.
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    2010 outdoor 2nd grow

    advanced nutrients is a winner, pictures wont be for a month, i will be updating soon keep scribing ppl!
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    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    hide your pots no wonder po are creepin
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    Late Frost in Northeast USA. What is everyone doing?

    as long as you have lots of morning sun u'l be fine
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    Some advice on starting off with seedlings

    do more research on growing outdoors, you can do so on google.
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    2010 outdoor 2nd grow

    Hello everyone, hope you all are enjoying the early season this year. Here's what iv got. I am in BC, more towards the interior. temps are 4-8C low and anywhere from 14-24 for highs. There are 12 seeds planted in their little grow containers, today on may 09/10. They are in organic...
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    My first grow ever! *Need lots of advice *

    research more info about how to grow outdoors, either Google or Youtube
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    ~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~

    very nice!!!
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    SkunkoneSRH's '10 Outdoor Grow

    lol... weed needs tons of help, u gotta water it everyday in july, aug, sept plus give it nutes, make surethey are all pruned up, make sure no bugs stick on it and are left dead for more than a day, make sure nobody has been at your crop, worry about cougars, bears, keeep eye on storms and shit...
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    all this talk about BAGSEED

    ive always used bagseed and with good grow techniques, they turn out good. they certainly arent swag but definatly not as good the DNA genetics or all the custom ones, they are usually random kush, northern lights or skunk. note to using bagseed always pick out the ones that don't look right...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    so if u top the 2 nodes growing where you already topped could u get 16????
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    does this nute & grow combination sound good 2 u??

    hi hope everyone is having a good day! last year i did an outdoor grow. i had 2 plants of afghan kush from seed, the spot got 10 hours of direct sunlight per day, i used organic soil, tons of water. i started them june 1st and they went untill september 28th. i used Advanced nutrients iguana...
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    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    il be keeping up on this one. hope u remember me from last year, im doing another 1 this year and going to make a video about it and a journal, glad to see u up again fdd2blk!!!cant wait to see pics
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    lol wait till mid may to plant it rains to much in end arpil to may 15-20. try again