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  1. Roadrunner

    Weeping leaves on hot day?

    ya. light rainstorm night before. and nute-water mid day. (it was mad hot) Also, a deer or somethin ate a small lower branch off one of the plants in question, and the plant "bled" water drops. i'm assuming that means the plant is hydrated. Its not causing the weep, cuz deer eat em all too...
  2. Roadrunner

    Weeping leaves on hot day?

    Can anyone explain to me a phenomenon that seems to happen at the end of a really hot day? Im growin right out back of my house, so i can check the plants frequently for problems. So i check the plants around 6 n theyre fine. I go back around 7 or 8... and to say i was surprised would b an...
  3. Roadrunner

    How early can you flower?

    this is said in a lot of threads but it will usually double/triple in size (space permitting) when u start flowering. so ~40-75cm.
  4. Roadrunner

    Moisture Content - Im confused

    "100% of the weight is the WATER, right?" i might b wrong, but i dont think thats physically possible. let me c if i can explain... if the plant was completely dried of water, the leaves, stems, and roots still weigh something. I think i heard once that the harvested bud's mass is something...
  5. Roadrunner

    shit, my plant got topped

    growin outdoors. some asshole creature (deer, rabbit?) strait up made lunch outa the top of 1 of my plants. The bottom looks fine still. whats gonna happen 2 it? will it get taller still?
  6. Roadrunner

    whats your tallest plant ever

    just wonderin how tall anyones ever grown a plant. indoors or out. n no bullshit.
  7. Roadrunner


    sry having a real hard time cing the pics
  8. Roadrunner

    missing leaves

    ok i just wanna know wtf my plants think theyre doing... two of em are doin somethin weird with their leaves. plant 1: around the 4th node, the set of leaves on either side of the plant has only 6 leaves when they should have 7. plant 2: on the same node (4th?) the set on one side of the...
  9. Roadrunner


    i've tried 10x three times. never had a bad trip. the first time i just did a little cuz of what i heard (scary things) n it was fine i could think clearly but i've never laughed that hard in my life and couldnt stop for ~2min. awesome.:mrgreen: tried more with friends and hallucinated a lil...
  10. Roadrunner


    y did the chiken cross the road? he was guerilla growin in the woods across the street like me
  11. Roadrunner

    indo vs outdo

    tru. thanks. mother natures great n all but the only problem is bugs and animals keep eatin my :leaf:. ill get over it though.
  12. Roadrunner

    Seed to sprout question

    ya it completely depends on the weather, temp., etc. if ur throwin em outside. you'll have a MUCH better germination rate if you sprout them inside. Mine usually take 5-10 days to pop indoors.
  13. Roadrunner

    indo vs outdo

    the strain is irrelavent. Hypothetically, the same exact plant (no clone) is grown the same exact way indoors and outdoors. Which would grow "better", and which yield would b more potent. I heard growing outdoors makes the plant stronger, and growing indoors u can create a near-perfect...
  14. Roadrunner

    trail cam pics

    thats cool as hell. put the cam in a tree but hidden in branches or somethin cuz i had one stolen. (mine was probly in a more populated area than urs). the first pic is probly bigfoot going to blaze up ur plants.:mrgreen:
  15. Roadrunner

    Some questions.... Help

    i like to wait a couple weeks before i start using nutes on seedlings but thats me. some people say miracle grow is too hot for weed plants... i dont spray it on the leaves and it hasnt hurt mine. as for sex, its a lot harder to sex outdoors unless its right out ur back door. i jus read this...
  16. Roadrunner

    seed quality & height

    whatup, i jus wanted a couple things clarified: -Can u grow good bud from seeds from a shitty bag of weed? in other words, if the weed wasnt that good, can u grow the weed "better"? -Is there a direct relationship btween plant height and yield size? in other words, is it the taller the...
  17. Roadrunner

    Darkness: how much is 2 much?

    Tru. thats what i thought but... "It’s possible to tell the sex of a marijuana plant early, and thus move male marijuana plants out of the main growing area sooner by covering a marijuana plant’s lower branch for 12 hours a day while it’s in a constant light vegetative state. Use a black paper...
  18. Roadrunner

    Darkness: how much is 2 much?

    Ok im growing 4 healthy plants outdoors. one of them is about 1 and 1/2 feet so i wanted to put it on a 12/12 light cycle to flower it. My questions are: A) whats the best thing to keep the plant in darkness at night and B) if i cant get to the plants for some reason, how bad is it to have...