How early can you flower?


Well-Known Member
Technically, how early can you flower a plant and still get sick/potent nugs? Limitations of space are causing this problem. Only about 66cm of height availabe. Width 62cm.



Well-Known Member
you can flower at any size technically, my personal recommendation for your space is to flower(and top) at about 20cm and tie down your branches to make full use of your width this should fill out your box and get you max yield and nice buds. Additionally low stress training as the plant grows would compliment it.


Active Member
this is said in a lot of threads but it will usually double/triple in size (space permitting) when u start flowering. so ~40-75cm.
they wont ever triple in size indoors, generaly if you turn them at 6 in ches they will be 12 at the most. use a phosphorus loaded "additive" nutrient to stop vertical growth any time 2-5 weeks into flowering (works awsome......i use "phosphoload" made by dutch master nutrients ---its expensive but youll have the most dense stuff you can get every time....i had a 40 gal. res and it cost 50$ for a little bottle but it helped more than anyting ive tried....ive tried a lot of times.