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  1. certainun

    Electrical question please help.

    Well I found the user its bricktown73 but the only problem is- Last Activity: 06-23-2009 09:24 AM
  2. certainun

    Electrical question please help.

    Hmmm anybody know this mystery man?
  3. certainun

    Electrical question please help.

    no electricians here?
  4. certainun

    Electrical question please help.

    Only adapters out there are 110 to 220/240. How hard would it be to install? How hard is it to run electrical wire through a wall?
  5. certainun

    Pizza Hut or Dominoes

    Neither! <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
  6. certainun

    Electrical question please help.

    I just bought a welder that uses 230V however the only plugs in my garage are 110V. How easy of a job is it to install a 230V plug? If not easy how much would it cost to get one installed?
  7. certainun

    No one cares about their freedoms?
  8. certainun

    First I must say do NOT visit this site. This actually makes me sick to my stomach, have a look. It's a report from Glenn Beck. Let the discussions begin...
  9. certainun

    No girl= BORING!

    Well I know it will pass with time, I've broken up with women before. But the boring part is sooooooo BORING! I'm not broken up about it I'm just concerned about the boring part. Where do most of you guys meet girls? School? Work? Drivers ed? That's all the places I've met my ex's :)
  10. certainun

    No girl= BORING!

    Was in a realationship for roughly a year. You know how you stray away from your friends once you get a girl? Well I'm reaping what I sew because we broke up. And it's killing me I really have no one to hang out with and all I'm doing is watching t.v. I've got game but school isn't in session...
  11. certainun

    Jesus I feel old.

    I'm staying at my sisters house on vacation. I have a 16 year old nephew and a few of his buddies are staying over. Well I got up for a snack only to find them laughing and acting very strangely. I put two and two together and realized they were high, so I decided to mess with them. I started...
  12. certainun

    How could someone write a biography about someone?

    Was sitting on the couch pondering the question of how people get so much information to write about a person? I mean were talking literally about someone's entire life almost day after day?:joint:
  13. certainun

    I <3 AnnArbor

    Was with my friend down in AnnArbor for the weekend. A group of kids walked past us smoking a J which we figured heck why not us? So I whipped out my stash, long story short ended up getting busted only a $25 ticket :shock:
  14. certainun

    any of u green thumb tokers ride bikes?? what about a biker/toker thread??

    My ride 03' CBR600rr also my race bike top 100 in Michigan sportway, not bragging :joint:.
  15. certainun

    i have an opossum in my armpit

    Those critters are nasty.
  16. certainun

    I Need A Cool Banner

  17. certainun

    List: Movies to Watch When You're High

    The best movies to watch are A. Black Sheep, or any chris farley movie for that matter. B. 3 Ninjas. You know those teenage ninja movies, pretty funny when you're stoned. C. Harry Potter
  18. certainun

    met my first real life (other) rollitupper last night

    Bunch of paranoid skitzos on this message board. My buddy and I talk about growing together all the time infront of co-workers! Have been doing so for 3+ grows.
  19. certainun

    I Need A Cool Banner

    faded glassworks PM me if you want me to change the colors or anything.
  20. certainun

    whats up with legal weed

    Just go smoke aregeno and lettuce...