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  1. W

    First Time Grower

    Why Will I Need it Lol?
  2. W

    First Time Grower

    Hacked by OneLoveOneStrain Can't get on my computer so here goes: You see people that's what we are trying to find out for ourselves. I have a friend that has been using Miracle Grow Tomato food and alot of people told him the same thing but what he did was take two plant of the same strain...
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    First Time Grower

    I had to be the first to welcome you!!! I hope your grows turn out better than mine lol
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    HELP!!!! What is this?

    Those f-ing yellow spots, what are they whats happening to my baby? plus I have not been feeding her but she is getting tip burn I don't understand.
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    Not to so new to rollitup

    OMG that is what I thought I switched the light on the 28th of June(12/12) and my baby showed her lady parts on July 13th so shes been in 12/12 for 8 weeks as of yesterday and been flowering for 6 weeks as of today. I was so confused and still am,I stop giving her nutes cause I don't wanna...
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    Not to so new to rollitup

    I picked the leaves off after the plant stopped growing not before. A month later after I noticed that the plant was no longer growing.
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    Not to so new to rollitup

    300 watt cfl and some 100watt cfl
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    Not to so new to rollitup

    Yeah Mighty, I was thinking that too. So guys a little update, I actually was doing something :bigjoint:and something just came to me, what if the problem was root bound so I re-potted the plant in a bigger hempy bucket ( 5 gal square). When I picked her up she had so many roots at the bottom...
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    Not to so new to rollitup

    This is my very first post on this even though I have had this account for a while now. I am a new grower with my first harvest due in a few weeks. I have made mistakes and have learned from them and now I have a clone and two seeds that just popped for my next grow. I am a bit confused on my...
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    Transplanting to larger Hempy Buckets?

    I growing two plants right now in hempy buckets and I must say, I LOVE IT!!! I've been growing for three weeks now and they grow much faster then in soil and or soilless mix. I am looking to transplant but am going to do some research first but anything you need to know, if I know the answer I...
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    Good bag Seeds vs Bought Seeds

    buying from a seedbank is not a sure thing i know from experience, sometimes their seeds are not up to par its all about how you grow what you have dont waste time growing banmk seeds first i recommend trying bagseeds first until you get the growing down and then pay money for seeds, i wish i...
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    Superthrive & Hygrozyme???? good shtuff or what??

    yeah you are right superthrive works wonders!!!! I swear and stand by this product. It literally brings plants back from the dead.... well not too dead
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    ISC Chicago IL USPS??

    Man I just checked for my package and It said it is at ICS Chicago since yesterday I'll keep you posted on what happens.
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    I am lost

    Ok so my friend gave me four seeds Friday I was trying to germinate them and on sat 24 hours later and two started to root and I fell asleep when I woke up the seeds were on my heater,my girl put them there and swore that the heater was off. The roots seemed to go back into remission. I have...
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    Omg help!!!!!!!

    enough heat that the paper plate they were on was melted a little and the paper towel they were in was dry when i woke up. i have not put them in dirt yet i still have them in a sandwich bag with wet paper towel so i should plant them?
  16. W

    Omg help!!!!!!!

    Ok so my friend gave me four seeds Friday I was trying to germinate them and on sat 24 hours later and two started to root and I fell asleep when I woke up the seeds were on my heater,my girl put them there and swore that the heater was off. The roots seemed to go back into remission. I have...