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  1. K

    These balls??

    it was balls so i cut it but of course i save the balls cause you know BALLS 4 DAYS CHEEE PONO
  2. K

    These balls??

    geez 4 pages about balls, name of this site should be Balls 4 Days instead of RIU
  3. K

    These balls??

    Like the title says, I'm just wondering if these are balls?
  4. K

    I think I may have over watered Please Help!!

    It looks under watered. Try and do a pot check, and lift up the pot and see if its heavy or light if lighter then usually then you need to water. Usually when you over water there will be yellowing in the leaves
  5. K

    Is there hope??

    Wow looks like BearCountry was right i water them when bearcounrty first posted and i went to check on them and BAM :hump: seen this. So i hope everyone sees this (: and thanks for all the help
  6. K

    Is there hope??

    okay thanks cannawizard but would the sun make a plant yield more or is that a myth?? because i sure would like to yield as much as possible
  7. K

    Is there hope??

    but they been out before for just as long or longer and none of the other plants did this but thanks i believe in them
  8. K

    Is there hope??

    But they been out before for just as long or longer
  9. K

    Is there hope??

    OK thanks makes sense because the other plants seem just fine but i did take them out before for about the same time if not longer so thats why im kinda leaning more towards overwatered
  10. K

    Is there hope??

    Only cfls when there inside
  11. K

    Is there hope??

    well saturday was nute day so nute plus water, and water sunday morning and took them out this morning and then both dropped
  12. K

    Is there hope??

    nooo i took them out before and they were doing amazing the nicest plants i have out of all 5.
  13. K

    Is there hope??

    today i need to hit my bong :wall:
  14. K

    Is there hope??

    they were fine this morning and i took them outside to get sun and one fell and 10 minutes later the next one did. The leaves not the whole plant
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    Is there hope??

    saturday with nutes
  16. K

    Is there hope??

    i watered today
  17. K

    Is there hope??

  18. K

    Is there hope??

    thanks T.Huxley hope these two can come through when do i know its to late and trash them??
  19. K

    Is there hope??

    I think I overwatered these two plants and Im wondering if these plants have a chance?? I hope so because one of them have white hairs but its not in flowering (weird) but yah what will happen now? will it grow new leafs or will they stand back up or do i cut the leafs? and how do i tell when to...
  20. K

    When to expect 1st sign

    When can I expect to see a sign of buds after i switch to 12/12?? Not sure the strain but anyone know the average length it takes to first see bud??