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  1. ozzie81

    indoor hydro veg problems cfls

    i heard of some stuff called clear rez that's suposed to clear it right up the guy at the hydro shop said i should use something that's not organic so i don't feed the slime so i guess i'll try outionic?
  2. ozzie81

    indoor hydro veg problems cfls

    i have three bubba kush about 4 weeks old they had yellow blotching like a deficiency went to the hydro store and the guy said i needed cal magic from gh. it got a little better i'm using humboldt nutrients oneness as my base i recently added silica blast added a dosage of heavy 16 fire had a...
  3. ozzie81

    Hello every1

    i'm not tryna bust his chops hahah i'm trying to help so that he knows what's up and get's the best out of his online experience. edit: just like cannabineer stated not alot of rules but since you are new to this you didn't know right?
  4. ozzie81

    Hello every1

    hey there i'm new here too but i've been on other forums not for weed tho i'd recommend reading the rules since your new to forums.
  5. ozzie81

    fan/filter combo for grow box

    it say's it'll treat 500 sq feet in 5 mins so since your room is 1/4 the size run it 1/4 of the time? i'm still new to growing so i might be wrong
  6. ozzie81

    hell there fellow stoners / growers!

    lmao sorry i started vaping not too long ago so i get super stoned and forget to check spelling hehe
  7. ozzie81

    hell there fellow stoners / growers!

    what's good my peeps! i'm ozzie i started my first grow a few weeks ago and things aren't going as perfect as i wanted probably because of my budget lol. any ways nice to be here iv'e been using this site and i think it'll be fun to have a grow log? ahh and does anyone else call smoking...