Search results

  1. W

    best camouflaged seed delivery

    Actually Doc had a pretty good track record until recently, and his troubles now are regional. You can (more than likely) thank the bonehead that posted very specific info about stealth here, on this board.
  2. W

    dr chronic stealthy no packs repack

    That was an incredibly stupid and inconsiderate idea to post a photograph. Possibly, thanks to you, and others that have done the same, a large part of the country are no longer receiving their beans - and losing bundles of cash. If you doubt that, take a look at the number of posts concerning...
  3. W

    If Brown Dirt gets caught then wont we all??

    Only if you broadcast on youtube or have a blog bragging about your activities. That's just stupid. Don't be stupid, watch yourself (and be in good shape - means you can run forever) and you won't get busted. You might still get ripped off, unless you work a little; most thieves (and the law)...
  4. W

    First Grow

    Don't let anyone coerce you into posting pictures. Just don't do it. Especially for people that ask only for photos and offer no other advice. Personally I think that's a stupid thing to do. Words are one thing, photos are another. One thing that "separates" us from the other higher primates...
  5. W

    First Grow

    It depends on a few things - when are you putting the girls out? How convenient is access to your site(s)? I agree that 5 gallon buckets are the way to go - BUT - those buckets will add about 1.5 to 2 feet to your plants height. You might want to think about planting them in the ground...
  6. W

    Growing Outdoors For $

    I think buying and selling is contrary to the whole idea. If people want to buy, or sell, that's fine, just not my way. I think it bastardizes the whole idea. I appreciate (some) of the people that sell. I realize a lot of people are too stupid or lazy to grow - and some just can't because of...
  7. W

    My pot movie

    You've got some cajones, but I'd never broadcast. Joining this forum goes against my better judgement - but it's not like it's on YouTube or something. Stay safe man.
  8. W

    trimming outside?

    Don't remove ANYTHING unless it is obviously senescent. Those leaves are there for a reason - they take in photons and convert it to plant matter. Cutting healthy leaves from a healthy plant, esp. outdoors, is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Don't do it, it's not good for the...
  9. W

    Problems finding a spot

    It depends on where you are: are there a lot of public land areas available? Are you willing (and in good enough shape) to hump in to your area? Have you looked at several candidate spots, and then monitored them on and off through a period of time to gauge human traffic? I realize it's a...