Growing Outdoors For $


Well-Known Member
I agree with Hank here. I grow for myself because If I relied on getting all my meds from clubs I would be spending 300-500 bucks a month. I share a little of my outdoor harvest with a couple of other patients, but considering what they pay you can just call it a gift.


Well-Known Member
lol who the hell wrote smell bacon on my post ... even if i was bacon everyone here has the luxury of being anon


Active Member
I'm growing about 30 plants right now outdoors, I'll be selling to a few huge drug dealers I know around here. I'll keep a few plant harvests to myself. I also have another plot of a few plants so they can pollinate so I can get more seeds to grow with just incase. But I'm mainly looking for lots and lots of money and lots of green. :)


New Member
i have 12 plants (mixed gender) hopefully ill be 5+ healthy big females from it .. but i dont do drugs/smoke cannabis i just sell ... so yeah trying to make some money
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Win With Willard

Active Member
does anyone acutally sell the weed they grow or use it for personal consumption
I think buying and selling is contrary to the whole idea. If people want to buy, or sell, that's fine, just not my way. I think it bastardizes the whole idea. I appreciate (some) of the people that sell. I realize a lot of people are too stupid or lazy to grow - and some just can't because of circumstance.

I usually have more than I can use after a season. I save my base and a little surplus (~ 15% of projected need). The rest I give to my close friends. Christmas and Birthdays, or even Wedding Anniversaries.


Active Member
I grow for money, but I dont sell any of the weed. The money is from not having to buy any weed off the black market because I grew it. When you smoke 1/2 oz a week like me, thats a nice piece of my paycheck I get to keep for myself. So I think I do grow for $$ in a way. I share it with friends but dont sell any.


Well-Known Member
It would cost you more to grow weed for sale, then it will just to grow for personal use. I grow for personal use b/c each Oz I grow saves me 400 dollars i would spend. if i where to deal the shit(I'm not) but hypathetically speaking, I would run a very high risk of getting caught and the financial fees and ramafications of legal fees would cost me a lot. you sell in my opinion at the scale it would take to make money,you will get flipped on and caught. JUST GROW FOR YOU;_


Well-Known Member
I'm a minor .. so hopefully i wouldn't go to prison .. just .. where ever they send me .. trans? idk .. hopefully i don't get caught
hahaha, you just fucked your self, why would you tell a moderator of an 18+ stie that your a minor..
bye bye