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  1. H

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    haha VTMi'kmaq, thank you for taking me to here! I'm really delighted with the fast response and even more with whole the information you spread and share here. Rrog you are right, perhaps i think through too much. I'm just frightened about thinking through so much and missing something...
  2. H

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    hey folks would love to get some advice from you. I considered to mix my own organic soil but still have some questions about my recipe based on Lumperdawgz soil recipe: Basic Soil: Gold Label Light Mix (EC 0,8, contains black peat, white peat, perlite, coco coir, clay and some dolomite lime)...
  3. H

    Soil mix and AACT recipe - ok?

    thanks for your clarification, very helpful. So I will drop further questions in one of these threads from now on. Just saw the number of pages and was kinda overwhelmed reading all through and so decided just to start a new one. But now i got instructed and will switch over. I already have a...
  4. H

    Soil mix and AACT recipe - ok?

    Thank you a lot for your reply! Sorry but what does cico mean? Oyster shell meal is a good hint but difficult to obtain here, but I have another meal here, a mix of Alfalfa, Spirulina, Chlorella and Lithotamnium (red algae which is very rich in Ca). I don't know the exact ratio of these...
  5. H

    Soil mix and AACT recipe - ok?

    After reading hours and hours in the world wide web and the book "teaming with microbes" (Jeff Lowenfels, Wayne Lewis) I am now ready to start with my own mixed organic soil. What do you think about this recipe? It is based on the LC's mix influenced by Lumperdawgz, Tim Wilson and others. The...