So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... Well that's a good question. If the microbial action actually sped things up (my gut says it will) then maybe shave a week off at max. Again, speculation on my part. That would be a 20% rate increase, from 5 weeks to 4. Obviously the older the transplant, the more likely to survive. The issue is that it will take maybe 4 days for the clover to germinate, so that adds time.


Well-Known Member
Yes, More air = better for aerobes.

Clover looks fine. All of it is good for what you're doing.


Well-Known Member
Yep- You can toss clover on the soil a week before chop if there's enough light down that low. After chop, their lighting needs are not great. Set them off to the side of another grow and they'll grow fine.

When transplanting or simply inserting a seed or clone- just leave all the cover crop. It's still helping. As the Canna grows, the light will choke out the clover. Just cover it with amendments and it'll return from whence it came. All being digested and stored as future nutes. No waste. Couple pennies worth of seeds...

Side note- Ya gotta love the Captain- he's always jumping right the hell in if he sniffs potential. We should be glad he's on our front lines.
Know what I like most Rrog about this latest batch of folks I see here? they actually put into action your suggestions and SHOW proof that they GRASP what we,you us have helped them with. I am an action over words kinda guy and im gonna repeat what you said in another thread...........I really like the direction this thread is going. I'd give Rrog rep but he knows I love him.


Well-Known Member
Ok Rrog my clover seed will be here Friday and my new tent on Thursday which means I'll have room for 2-15 gal pots Friday in my veg area,timing couldn't be any better.


Well-Known Member
Rrog im hearing about these smartpots with cones in the middle have you heard? Also i'm curious how you would break up a root ball in a smartpot that my mmj patient mother let get outa hand? It's in 10 gallon smart pot and so hard the water just rolls off the top lol.


Well-Known Member
she has horrible issues with depression so if she withdraws and dosnt communicate any need to me im left to pick up the pieces, but you know me I REFUSE to just let a plant die, I have so far sterilized a stainless steel rod and poked(gently mind you) 10-12 holes vertically down through the main root base in a clockward motion 360 degrees around in an effort to help me get some tea to the center and base. We'll see. Yeah that's the one I was thinking of experimenting with one. The more I grow the bigger my pot size gets lmao! Before long i'll be in 50 gal. large rubber trash bins on wheel casters!


Well-Known Member
Just a thought: If you can slice a rootball to up-pot, couldn't one also remove some root ball, then slice the remaining smaller ball, then transplant?


Well-Known Member
I watched a video on keeping a small mother plant and they showed how they used a serrated knife to cut away the outside of the root ball on all four sides and bottom and replanted it in the same pot with new soil.


hey folks would love to get some advice from you.
I considered to mix my own organic soil but still have some questions about my recipe based on Lumperdawgz soil recipe:

Basic Soil:

Gold Label Light Mix (EC 0,8, contains black peat, white peat, perlite, coco coir, clay and some dolomite lime)
+10% vermiculite

Additives per cubic foot:

1 cup of of alfalfa meal (2/3) and flaxseed or canola meal (1/3)
for replacing blood meal (N). More alfalfa than flaxseed as of the fertilized soil; no need for concern about heat due to rapid decomposition of alfalfa?
1 cup indonesian bat guano (2-15-2)
for replacing bone meal (4-20-0)

¼ cup kelp meal (Ascophyllum nodosum)

1 tbsp mycorrhizal fungi
Glomus mosseae and Glomus Intraradices, no Trichodermae

¼ cup diabase dust (CaO 7.32%; Mg 6.46%)

Palm tree ashes (0-3-14) for topdress at 4[SUP]th[/SUP] week of flowering?

Oyster shell meal is difficult to obtain here, but I have another meal here, a mix of Alfalfa, Spirulina, Chlorella and Lithotamnium (red algae which is very rich in Ca).
I don't know the exact ratio of these ingredients but Alfalfa (40%). The meal mix contains in total 6.78% CaO and 0.35% MgO.

So if I add a 2/3 cup of alfalfa contained in this mix instead of adding pure alfalfa I would also add approx. 1 cup of the mentioned meal mix. What do you think? Any advice?


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]That is an incredible read. They are just starting to understand this amazing gift. I think the dermatological area is one to be explored. I honestly never knew of the effect's on MRSA. That is a bad deal. Nothing to play with there. Go right to the ER. Thank you so much for that link. Holy shit. Blows my mind. [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
lmao he flustered me with an inundation of good info so I had him come here I figured one of ya could handle these questions I was lost at first!


Well-Known Member
See with mixes, you don't completely know what you have. I like a really mineralized soil and add cups of it, but would I suggest this for you? I can't say. Couldn't hurt. Maybe some Biochar?

I'm really smitten with the aeration combo of Biochar at ~1/4", pumice from there through 3/4" and lava at 3/4 - 1+". Works great with a fabric pot. Roots love it, water loves it, microbes love it.