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  1. dimi6o

    Nirvana Seedbank Points

    hello can u tell me some think about the white widow from is a good strain or the strain from greenhouse is better......?
  2. dimi6o

    Green sensetaion

    Hello can u tell me some think about green sensation (plagron) i wana buy it but Its a litle expensive.Friend of mine told me then its a perfect for my a true?
  3. dimi6o

    Brown spots on yellowing leaves

    i have the same prob..........but my leafs are more yelow........the ph is 6.0 my fert is plagron alga bloom.....I give to my ladies 300ml water into a 10 Liter pot the concentration is-into 10l watel 10ml fert..but the dont gone to start to be green watt is the prob????P.S the are into the...
  4. dimi6o

    Bottom leaves yellowing early flowering. Nitrogen, Magnesium deficency or normal?

    dude amazing plant tell more about it............good luck!
  5. dimi6o

    will die help

    i have 60 plants "Big bang" using 20 liters containers,1:1:1/4-soil,dung and perlite,the dung haveN-250g/l,P300g/l,K400g/L,the soil is from my garden outside,my lamps is a 3-HPSx400w,1MHLx400w the light is a 60santimeters far from the plants,temperature is a 19C night 25 day,the fan is a 40watts...
  6. dimi6o

    will die help

    please help me!!! the leafs burning look the ph is 6.5-7.0 but i fix it whith vinegar its a corectly or the problem is another i dont put any nut into the pot,,,,
  7. dimi6o

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    i will have 40 plant's and 2x400watts HPS tell me its a ormal for 40 plat or i need more lamps?I think then i need 1x400 MHl but im not shure.Help me :)
  8. dimi6o

    ventilation question?

    how can i calculate how bigger must be the suction fan in my growing room(mean watts,diameter) the room is a 15 sq/ft and i will grow 40 plants.
  9. dimi6o

    ho many wats?

    i Have 3x400HPS and wanna buy 1x200 or 400 MHl its a good?MHl for the start and after 5 wks will turn the HPS's.....but the problem is a ventilation system...its so expensive....
  10. dimi6o

    ho many wats?

    Haya my growing room is a 15ft/sq and i will grow 40 plant how many wats HPS lamp i need?and the ventilations sistem is a nececery?or only FAN? tanks
  11. dimi6o

    leafes problem

    when I haveto start to put nuts into my plants?and when i must start flowering now they are from 30-50 sm. tall
  12. dimi6o

    leafes problem

    hi my plants(big bud) have verry nice leaf's but the ends of the leafs are like hooks?its a problem?liook the pic's and tell me pls beacose i'm so scarry!!!tanks
  13. dimi6o

    hallo somebody know anything about this site its a real? i want to order some seeds from them but i ifraid.pleace tell me.
  14. dimi6o

    roots problem

    got damed from 20 seeds only 12 are going out :((((
  15. dimi6o

    about the milk

    hallo!!! i have many litters milk and a friend of mine told me then the milk is a good for my plants.its a true?and if its a true how many milk i have to put in the pot? tanks
  16. dimi6o

    roots problem

    Ist a moist be shure!!!
  17. dimi6o

    roots problem

    help me my seed's are 5 days in the cotton and they have not roots,the same seed i have in the soil and the situation is same.the seed are home made but they are tigres and ripes.hwere is the problem?
  18. dimi6o

    about the POT!!!

    how manny litter's must be the pot??? my pot's are 20liters its good or i need bigger?
  19. dimi6o


    how many wats i need for 25 plant i think 2 lamp's X 400 wats?its good or i need more 1 lamp-400 wats?
  20. dimi6o

    its a real?

    hallo i found a good site for seeds but the price's are verry low:(((( its a real site or no? Buy Marijuana Seeds and cannabis seeds from Holland - high quality marijuana seeds (cannabis seeds) tell me pleace