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    How are my Plants looking?

    The plant on the right (in the top picture) today was pretty much resting on the side of the pot =/ So I put about an inch or two of soil into the pot, and it seems to have sorted it out :D The plant on the left is carrying on doing its stuff ;) But I think they will be fine for the time...
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    How are my Plants looking?

    Thanks for your help :) I just look forward to getting them planted outside finally, I think I have the problem of being impatient as a new grower >.< lol
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    How are my Plants looking?

    Thanks :) I have just put another lamp around there ^^ What effect will the light have on roots?
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    How are my Plants looking?

    I dont seem to be having any real issues at the moment, I was just wondering if they look okay, this is my first grow so Im just interested :) The are about 6 days old. I am currently growing these plants indoors and after another 2 weeks I am going to transfer them to a remote place outside...
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    Newly Germinated

    Yea thanks guys. I have 2 fairly nice little shoots coming along :)
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    Newly Germinated

    Here are my plants that I germinated the other day. Basically they have been sitting in these pots for about a day, with the light shining on them. Ive watered them alittle bit (with ordinary water), but stopped at the moment as to not over water they are only babies :D (I...
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    Can anyone tell me anything about it, if you have grown it before? And what it tastes like :D <3
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    Short question

    Thanks Guys :)
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    Short question

    Ive got about 3 plants indoors - and I have a small breeze coming in at the moment They havnt sprouted above the surface yet, however, (tell me if this sound crazy)... I was thinking of hanging like an ordinary like Lava Lamp bulb above the pots Is this cool yeh? ;)
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    Short question

    Right. Me and my mate are growing some lovely Spontanica plants ;) and at the moment we have germinated them and have them in some plastic cups at the moment, in my house and on my windowsil. I was thinking of letting the plants grow some leaves before transporting them outside... to prehaps...