Newly Germinated


Active Member
Here are my plants that I germinated the other day.

Basically they have been sitting in these pots for about a day, with the light shining on them. Ive watered them alittle bit (with ordinary water), but stopped at the moment as to not over water they are only babies :D
(I plan to use nutrients in the morning)

How long should I expect to see some shoots as all I see is mud and I feel abit dis-heartened :(

My mate who started some of the seeds with me, he already has a 2mm shoot coming up. This is my first grow and comments would be greatly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
sometimes it is a day sometimes two maybe a week it is kind of a crappy answer but it takes time and patients. i would try to cover the bottoms of the cups with paper to make them light proof and don't water anymore until you have growth. when you do get growth only water every other or every third day. make sure your cups have drain holes too
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Well-Known Member
No worries. They'll come around. Don't drown them, and no nutes yet. I assume you planted them root down.