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  1. klebr

    How Old/Young are You

    well...18 here about to be 19 in erm march nothing good has happened in my life time the only interesting thing is the royal fuck up that bush did x_x
  2. klebr

    Aliens Exist. Arecibo Radio Signal Sent Back.

    wow....they are so short O.O
  3. klebr

    Anybody Else Totally In Love?

    love died for me when i was so happy that my gf got prego then when it was born it turned out not to be mine >.>
  4. klebr

    Daja vu

    well scientists say that it happens because one eye sends a signal to the brain before the other one so creating the impression that it happened before...... but I think that's a load of crap cuz i have it all the time and it's the same thoughts and i'm guessing u can't see thoughts lol
  5. klebr

    About HomoSexuality

    mehs gay sex is just wrong....unless it's 2 girls that's just really hot lol
  6. klebr

    Do You Kiss Her After The BJ?

    nooooo haha maybe on the forehead or something but not on the mouth lol
  7. klebr

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    yeah.......imma go with shaved it's cleaner
  8. klebr

    something weird....

    i usually don't care hehe i'm just doin my thing
  9. klebr

    something weird....

    dammit i've been 2 weeks sexless and it's really affecting me now i feel sick without it lol
  10. klebr

    something weird....

    hmms not for me...maybe cuz i'm a real perv ...
  11. klebr

    something weird....

    haha very much agreed lol
  12. klebr

    something weird....

    hmm never really tried shrooms ...what do they do? O.O
  13. klebr

    something weird....

    oh then please do tell lol
  14. klebr

    something weird....

    WOAH no no no no i have never had a drug that is better than sex lol
  15. klebr

    something weird....

    hehe yeah and're gonna make me cry..30%? wow
  16. klebr

    something weird....

    And this is just sad D:
  17. klebr

    something weird....

    wow i can see some of you guys get tired with one....can't even imagine that haha and 30 hours? holy crap i need to practice i can only pull out all nighters lol
  18. klebr

    something weird....

    oohs and i'm not a girl i'm a guy lol 19 yrs old :3 and not complaining i was just wondering if it's normal
  19. klebr

    something weird....

    umm not really lying about this...It seems that when i'm having sex... i come and come and come and i keep going there's really no limit on how many times i can go and then one of my friends told me that he can only do it like 4 times tops so i'm so anyone else experiencing this?
  20. klebr

    Drug Test

    hmm well imma have to try the condom trick cuz my friends came yesterday with some mangoe cush couldn't pass out on that lol