something weird....


Well-Known Member
i can have like...5 in 20 minutes the most i ever had in one day was like 22...but that was when i was in my younger teens. i probably still could


Active Member
errg beat me. i got to like 17 in one day once. but its harder for a guy :/ im better at just going for long amounts of time.


Well-Known Member
umm not really lying about this...It seems that when i'm having sex... i come and come and come and i keep going there's really no limit on how many times i can go and then one of my friends told me that he can only do it like 4 times tops so i'm so anyone else experiencing this?

One big earthquake is better than tremors but even better is if you can go on forever.....

That goes for both sexes and anybody in between LOL


Active Member
wow i can see some of you guys get tired with one....can't even imagine that haha and 30 hours? holy crap i need to practice i can only pull out all nighters lol

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Because everything goes numb afterward.....I'm usually lucky if I cum most of the time during sex.I'd say with my sex life viewed as a whole, I probably had orgasms about...uh...30 percent of the time...maybe a little bit more if I'm with the right person.I pop off more with my old man now than I have with anyone else, but its still no guarantee.And I havent had actual sex in like.....3 months.
Agreed, I can get off as many times as I want(note:WANT, I don't want to have like 20 orgasms...). I can't understand how you can only cum once though?!