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  1. P

    Red Diesel 8 weeks 4 days Flowering

    strange. your diesel didnt stretch like mine do. you must have flowered pretty quickly. ved'd for a week or two. am i right? cuz my diesel. i veg'd 4 weeks and flowered and they grew 300-400 percent once flowering was induced.
  2. P

    Major problem affecting all my plants!!!

    over nuting. had the exact same problem this last crop. if your doin ebb & flow. clean out your rez weekly. all the nutes not used just build up and progressively get more concentrated.
  3. P

    What strain will produce the hardest nugs?

    Grand daddy purps. point blank. could use that shit for gravel if you wanted.
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    Help! I thinkn they are dying:(

    shes fine bro' dont sweat it. just water her 1-2 times a day and shell perk right back up although, you may have affected the final product/yield bcuz u stressed her out by droughting her for a day and a half. looks like sum kush...
  5. P

    almost 5 weeks in does she look

    yeh, you can use molasses all the way to harvest.
  6. P

    need advice

    go with the 4ft tubes, your local hydro store should be able to hook up with with a 4 bulb 4 ft t5 lamp for less the $150, i picked one up just for my vegging and it kicks ass. the compacts arnt all their cracked up to be. plus, the 4 bulb lamp is designed for growing, so thats probly what you...
  7. P

    temp. and humidity problem..any ideas?

    is your lamp air cooled?
  8. P

    Any1 used those co2 electrofizz tabs?

    just copped a few. been wanting to add sum co2 to the operation but a whole co2 set-up is a lil out of my budget price range right now. homey at the hydro-shop recommended them just wondering if anyone has had a positive or negative expirience wit em.
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    almost 5 weeks in does she look

    most def over fertilizing. she looks good, not trying to be negative. ive had similar problems before with soil as well. most soil mixes you buy have plenty of nutes in it. so when you go and add bloom boosters, your nuking the plant. all that droppage and yellow leaves is a good indication...
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    Air ventilation and outatake fans bros

    no dice on the swamp cooler. humidity will go thru the roof. maybe if you vent the room, THEN add a swamp cooler you might be aight.
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    spidermites on inside grow wat do i do

    PCO fogger. its pyrethium (sp?) use it, wait a week, use it again to kill off all hatched eggs. works like a charm brudda'.
  12. P

    Whats your cocktail? (Nutrient combinations)

    Ok, so i am a few days away from inducing my 4th crop into flowering. and each crop to date i have used different nutrients and each time have had less them desireable yields. quality has always been on point, yield has been shitty tho'. i started out with flora nova grow, them went to bloom...
  13. P

    Help My Kush Plants

    1000w, no real venilation system. its not a cabinet tho, its a full 8 x 8 room. and it hads been a lil hot, so thats probly the problem. good lookin' out.
  14. P

    Help My Kush Plants

    so im about 5 weeks into flowering and in the bottom 30 percent of the plants im having alot of leaves curl up and die. im not sure if its a bad thing or not.. the top of the plants look healthy as can be. is it possible that the canopy is shading too much of the light and the leaves are dying...
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    Grow room setup questions

    jorge cervantes ultimate grow dvd will walk you through building an indoor greenhouse step by step.
  16. P

    last 4 weeks of flowering

    bottom leaves dying at the end of flowering is a GOOD thing. it means that the plant has stopped production of chlorophyll and is concentrating on the end of flowering.
  17. P

    Lookin' to grab new base nutes. Any suggestions?..

    ill peep it out. you were impressed with it?
  18. P

    when to flower

    12-18 inches is usually a good rule of thumb to induce flowering. it depends alot on your strain. i.e. sour diesel, if you veg sd to 18 inches then start flowering, your gonna have a mini tree in your closet. indica dominants you generally want to veg a little longer then sativas because...
  19. P

    when to flower

    you might want to upgrade from that 100w for flowering. more light=more bud. i usually veg for a full month, maybe a little longer if your shooting high for your yield.
  20. P

    Lookin' to grab new base nutes. Any suggestions?..

    btw, im usin' foxfarm open sesame, beastie blooms and cha-ching as supplementary nutes. just looking for a good base nute. Holler.