last 4 weeks of flowering


Well-Known Member
ok right now my plants are 5 weeks into flowering and im starting to notice that some of the bottom leafs are turnin yellow and fallin off i wanna know it its ok to water my plants with 2 different types of nutes ones 24-10-18 and the other is 10-30-10 right now im currently using 10-30-10 and i wanna switch to the 24-10-18 for 2 watering than go bak to 10-30-10 for two waterings ect.... until the final 2 weeks of flushing, the reason im doing this is because i read that when flushing since ur plant isnt getting nuts so they use all the nuts stored in the leafs of the plant and i wanna make sure theres cuz i heard its supposed to make the taste of the bud even better or sumthing like that or should i juss keep goin with the 10-30-10


Well-Known Member
stay with the 10-30-10 you only need high nitrogen during veg and during flowering you want phosphurus last 2 weeks before harvest stop all nutes and flush makes the buds taste the best


Active Member
bottom leaves dying at the end of flowering is a GOOD thing.
it means that the plant has stopped production of chlorophyll
and is concentrating on the end of flowering.


Well-Known Member
The bottom leaves are the oldest so they are going to yellow first at this stage.Nute wise i would give them phosphorus only if needed,just keep feeding them water and let them finish.


Well-Known Member
ok i got a question for the 5 weeks i had my plant in flowering i had one side of the plant face the light (since i have no reflective material) for the first 2 weeks than i switched to the opposite side and had them facing the light for 3 weeks and the side i had facing the light for 2 weeks are 2 time as big as the side than 3 weeks but the side that had 3 weeks of lite has 2 times a trichs so what should i do im using 2 42 watts cfl's and 1 62 watt cfl


Well-Known Member
Looks like your plants are coming along pretty good. Personally i would stick with your 10-30-10 nutes, I think you have at least another 3 weeks maybe even 4. Your leaves on the bottom will continue to die off, iits a good thing, the plant is not focusing on repairing under-growth its focusing on flower production. Personally i would give your babies a full strength dose of flower nutes and then next watering water with some PH'd water & Molasses, continue this till the last 2 weeks and start flushing cause i assume your in soil. If your not in soil you can flush for less time.