Vermont Grow


I have hand selected a new grow spot this year but my problem iw its completly in the middle of nowhere, I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the best possible soil mixture that I should bring out, I cant treck to much stuff out there and I'm only working with another person, (female)lol,

(I wish I could lug out 50 bags of fox farm)

O and I'll have 30 1 foot tall pre started plants, I'm thinking 3 plots of 10


8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings
5 lbs steamed bone meal
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]5 lbs Bloom bat guano[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]This is relatively what I'm thinking so far, But ALL INPUT I WILL LOVE TO HEAR!! [/FONT]
5 lbs blood meal
3 lbs rock phosphate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)
½ cup azomite (trace elements)
2 tbsp powdered humic acid


Active Member
Certainly sounds like you have checked out "SuperSoil" by Subcool. Great stuff, very high in organics.

Hows the soil at your plot? I've spent a lot of time in VT and a healthy piece of forest in the middle of nowhere may need very little amendments to yield a fruitful crop. Are you planning on planting in ground or in containers? If in ground planting, you should test your soil .


Well-Known Member
bone meal tends to be a very good animal attractor, suspect the same for blood meal
this is a major problem in the great outdoors, so many ferts bring unwanted guests


very true, I'm so deep in the middle of nowhere I can build a fence with 120 lb fishing line, it works great its invisible and very effetive for keeping animals away ( execpt for moose ) lol I had one sleep right in the middle of a plot one time, but smaller animals can bet through , i'm also Have my Trapping license so I can set a bunch of traps around the perimeter and catch a good amount of rabbits and stuff,

Thanks for the info, I have never used bone meal or blood meal , I normally use foxfarm, but this time I'm going deep in the woods, dose foxfarm have anything in it that may attract animals?

and is pissing out the outside of the plot really work or just a myth also dog hair keep deer away?


Well-Known Member
don't know about foxfarm and animals, i suspect it could but it's a big throw of the dice
some animals will check out anything, such as disturbed dirt
the pissing and dog hair, i'd consider them myths for the most part, but probably some swear by them
the fishing line i have heard about, supposed to be good for deer
you may have to expect some loss from animals, just try to minimize it


I'm growing in the ground, the problem I have found with using pots or grow bags is you have to water them much more than if the plants are directly in the ground


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with mother nature's own soil, and understand the need to minimize the load
i still laugh when i remember some grower friend's stories from way back, hauling a 50 lb sack of manure to their grow place
sounded like one of them nearly lost a lung in the process
my outdoor knowledge is old, so easy for me to grow inside, wishing you great luck in your grow
one trick i half recall is to prepare holes well in advance, leave the hole prepared before planting
animal may come and dig, but not much harm in that, just refill and good as new
they will quickly lose interest when they get no food
that's just a memory, not sure if i was ever ambitious enough to prep that far in advance

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with mother nature's own soil, and understand the need to minimize the load
i still laugh when i remember some grower friend's stories from way back, hauling a 50 lb sack of manure to their grow place
sounded like one of them nearly lost a lung in the process
my outdoor knowledge is old, so easy for me to grow inside, wishing you great luck in your grow
one trick i half recall is to prepare holes well in advance, leave the hole prepared before planting
animal may come and dig, but not much harm in that, just refill and good as new
they will quickly lose interest when they get no food
that's just a memory, not sure if i was ever ambitious enough to prep that far in advance
What he said...good advice.


Well-Known Member
I'll say this your in a wonderful state for these things. I happen to have a few years (cough) experiance with such things maybe i can help? I have spent 39 years hugging the green mtns!


Well-Known Member
I'm growing in the ground, the problem I have found with using pots or grow bags is you have to water them much more than if the plants are directly in the ground
Yeah my friend you should access your local watershed as alot ofour watersupplies in the deeper part of our woods are spring fed! Yes you heard it here SPRING FED! Like i said in my earlier post youve done well so far me thinks you'll do quite well!