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  1. MagicBigBud#

    Is it ready to flip to 12/12??

    ive read about it its suppose to help with a gud transition .....
  2. MagicBigBud#

    Is it ready to flip to 12/12??

    1 more question,before i switch to bloom am thinking of 30 hours of darkness ,is it worthy??? and what nut line should i feed pre flower or should i give it the same for the last time before sending them to sleep??
  3. MagicBigBud#

    Is it ready to flip to 12/12??

    Thanks for the reply, u mean room area or net ?? if room its 14ft by 8ft ,and my net id 7ft by 3 ft... u think it would be a gud harvest??
  4. MagicBigBud#

    Is it ready to flip to 12/12??

    Hello guys need a bit of an advise ,its my first ever SCROG grow and am growing w.widow from G.H seeds ,and THE ULTIMATE from Dutch passion... these ladies has been in soil for about nearly 4 months,but I fucked up in the begining with nuts as a novice but thanks to some cool guys here who...
  5. MagicBigBud#

    trying DWC with 1 clone,need advise

    hello fellow growers, as the title say am trying DWC currently growing in soil,... so my question is can i put my rooted clone in my DWC system only with PH water for the first week or should i go strait to nut???
  6. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    these are the W.Widow
  7. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    Hey Guys ,sorry for the late update ,i lost my phone which i used to take pic ,but now back with a new 1 i wanna show and thanks u guys for all ur advise that i've been following with great result.. here are some pic which i just taken today ,tell me what u think and any advise are welcome as...
  8. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    here r the new growth coming ,i took the pic just before feeding today.... got a question from 1 of my friend who's growing indoor aswell and is using the same nutrient as mine(GH flora series), he gave his 3rd feed yesterday BUT high as he was ,he forget to check his PH and he feed his...
  9. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    Any Tips for Vertical light???
  10. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    Hey Tim thanks for the advice ,i dont have a tester for soil but will surely consider your advice ,will b back with some more pic in 1 or 2 days so,hope they recover well till the next feed... cheers
  11. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    Here r my TD Trust me JD i started exactly like that 1st cup, then 1 liter and i only transplant them this past monday 22 july, (7Gallon for my WW and ULTIMATE and 5 GALLON for my AUTOS but i have only been watering them with just water, till last monday when i gave them there 1st feeding with...
  12. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    hey JD thanks for the quick reply,!!! u mean let the soil dry like 80 to 90% then increase the nut by 1/4 on next feed???? Sorry its might sound a bit stupid as question ,by as a newbee i dont want to take any chance! U know what i mean...loll
  13. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    ok here are my new growth pic ,tell me what u think ,if its ok?? also am havin some issue with my humidity i've read that it should be between 60 to 70%,yesterday it was 65% but when i got in this morning it was 50% andas u can see in the pic its going between 49 to 51% , would that be a...
  14. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    i've got 10 all together and 2x 400watt going for now .Is that too much lights?? and yes will surely tell u about the new growth with some pic.. cheers
  15. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    sorry about the pic dunno how this happen ,using soil ,compost and perlite from my local store ,the country where i live i cant get the super soils like u guys use( foxfarm etc...) am using flora series as nutrients with a bit of superthrive and it was there very 1st PH was 6.5 as...
  16. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    sorry about the pic dunno how this happen ,using soil ,compost and perlite from my local store ,the country where i live i cant get the super soils like u guys use( foxfarm etc...) am using flora series as nutrients with a bit of superthrive and it was there very 1st PH was 6.5 as...
  17. MagicBigBud#

    Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...

    Hello fellow Growers, any1 wanna tell me what is causing this i found it on all my plants, i transplan them on monday ...... my Temp is 27 and Humidity is 67.... plss help...any1
  18. MagicBigBud#

    have anyone ever use Smart co2 here guys?????

    Different Option!! u mean NUTS ???
  19. MagicBigBud#

    have anyone ever use Smart co2 here guys?????

    thanx for the quick reply man.. 1more help if its ok ,in the stage of my plants should i start using co2 in my room?? mine is only 2 weeks old.., shouldi kick it now or wait? All comment are welcome ....