Need a little helps guys..... Pls help ...


Well-Known Member
Lots of good threads here on the subject. Try an RUI search. I read about and considered it...but having to rotate the plants seemed like too much work. And then there's the idea of cooling the bulb. Some use a glass tube with fan. Others just put a fan underneath blowing up on carry away heat.

The guys that get the best yield numbers are often using a vertical scrog...with screen beside the plant and light vertically shining on the canopy.


Well-Known Member
here r the new growth coming ,i took the pic just before feeding today....

got a question from 1 of my friend who's growing indoor aswell and is using the same nutrient as mine(GH flora series),
he gave his 3rd feed yesterday BUT high as he was ,he forget to check his PH and he feed his plants when he realize he forget to PH ,and when he did it was 7 (he already gave like 3 gallon)

Now would that be an issue u guys think,,,
Does he need to flush then re feed?

He is using Recirculating Feeding chart which is on GH web page,is this ok to follow (growing in soil)



Well-Known Member

Looking a lot healthier bro!

I agree.
No need to worry too much about your ph unless, you have lockout.
Absolutely no harm in knowing your soil's ph though.....

I your friend ever wants to lower it slightly. Then feed the soil, a VERY light dose of liquid sulphur. Then check ph after a week, or two.
You can mulch with peat too. Peat works.
Or if outside, and need to fertilize. Use something green, like green manure.





Well-Known Member
Hey Guys ,sorry for the late update ,i lost my phone which i used to take pic ,but now back with a new 1
i wanna show and thanks u guys for all ur advise that i've been following with great result..

here are some pic which i just taken today ,tell me what u think and any advise are welcome as usual..

PIC 1-8 are the Ultimate
the rest 5 are W-Widow

