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  1. B

    My First Grow

    My idea is, to use 5 gallon buckets with dirt and fire pit ash mixed together, also to use some miracle grow too. I heard that the ash is way better than potting soil because of all the nutrients in it? And what do i use to repel bugs and such?
  2. B

    Hello fellow tokers!

    Nice to meet you too :lol:
  3. B

    My First Grow

    It appears as if most of this stuff is readily available at places like walmart, correct? And its not too expensive. Any suggestion on strain?
  4. B

    My First Grow

    what kind of feltilizer do you suggest? And im in the mountains so im not sure what strain to grow? I was wanting to try either Trainwreck or sour diesel. Not sure if either will grow? Im still researching everything. I just know i wanna try to grow!
  5. B

    My First Grow

    I've slowly started getting into the weed thing. Still learning everyday about it. I was going to try to grow a couple of plants this year. I literally have nothing... All i will have is seeds, water and tools lol. Just curious about how i could go about doing this? I have an area selected, i am...
  6. B

    Hello fellow tokers!

    Hello from the south! Currently smoking some Sour D, im new to the whole smoking thing. Hope to learn alot and get some new friends!
  7. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Whadduppp from my house! New to the community, hope to learn a lot from you fellow tokers! Currently on that sour d. Haha. Well yeah, hope to fit right in!