My First Grow

I've slowly started getting into the weed thing. Still learning everyday about it. I was going to try to grow a couple of plants this year. I literally have nothing... All i will have is seeds, water and tools lol. Just curious about how i could go about doing this? I have an area selected, i am unable to get any products such as ladybug eggs,fertilizer etc. is it possible to grow some dank-ish bud with nothing but what i have? And also, i cant have anything huge, i need sort of small plants. Im open to everyones opinion, and everything is greatly appreciated.
Toke on!


Well-Known Member
imo... you will need fertilizer...without it your crop will be schwagy...why can't you get some? it can be cheap...
want small plants? use small pots or start them later in the year....or you could "low stress train" keep them closer to the ground....
the more you read right now...the better your crop will be come October
good luck bro
imo... you will need fertilizer...without it your crop will be schwagy...why can't you get some? it can be cheap...
want small plants? use small pots or start them later in the year....or you could "low stress train" keep them closer to the ground....
the more you read right now...the better your crop will be come October
good luck bro
what kind of feltilizer do you suggest? And im in the mountains so im not sure what strain to grow? I was wanting to try either Trainwreck or sour diesel. Not sure if either will grow? Im still researching everything. I just know i wanna try to grow!


Well-Known Member
Organic fertilizer is cheap and it's harder to burn plants with it ime. 10 bucks for a gallon of fish fertilizer

It appears as if most of this stuff is readily available at places like walmart, correct? And its not too expensive. Any suggestion on strain?


Well-Known Member
You gotta put in the greenbacks to see the dankage. Gardening isn't as easy as it may seem, and is not for the neglectful.


Well-Known Member
fish is fine, i have used it in the past worked well...but the racoons loved it...but if you're in a tent you should be fine... has high levels of mercury...
My idea is, to use 5 gallon buckets with dirt and fire pit ash mixed together, also to use some miracle grow too. I heard that the ash is way better than potting soil because of all the nutrients in it? And what do i use to repel bugs and such?