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  1. V

    First timer. Closet. Soil. CFL

    Any pictures yet, silverlake? Have you switched to 12/12 yet?
  2. V

    Blueberry and Williams Wonder 125w CFL 600w HPS ProMix General Organics

    Dropping in since I'm at week 3 of my first grow and looking to see what to expect. Have you started seeing preflowers/flowers yet? Do you do any kind of training on your plants? Going to subscribe in case you post finished results pics.
  3. V

    First Time CFL Grow

    4/20 update, if anybody is keeping an eye. Transplanted today to the final container, a 5 gal smart pot. Didn't notice my newest fan leaves from last week were too close to the light until they got partially burnt by the heat of the light, as you can see in the attached pics, solved the problem...
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    First Time CFL Grow

    Alright and I'm back for my week 2 update! Growth exploded after it rooted to the FFOF soil. Right now some roots are peeking out of the drainage holes in the bottom of my pot, not sure if this is a problem but we'll see in time. I began using my EJ catalyst with my watering cycle this week. I...
  5. V

    First timer. Closet. Soil. CFL

    Popping in to subscribe to this and compare it to mine as well. How long have they been growing for when you took those pictures?
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    First Time CFL Grow

    Hey everyone, after using this website for information on perfecting my first grow setup I figured I'd contribute back to the community with a journal. Some information on what my current setup looks like: Started my seedling in a solo cup of FFHF under a 150w 5000K CFL. For my 3 gallon pot...