Blueberry and Williams Wonder 125w CFL 600w HPS ProMix General Organics

Hello everybody,
Been a while but its time to post again. Here I have a portable greenhouse that i am using as an indoor tent, works great. I purchased a General Organics Go Box at my local shop and i have been very pleased so far. Had a little issue with cal mag def but that was my own fault obviously. I have hard water and i didnt give them the full dose of CaMg+.Ive got a 125w fluorowing and a homemade 4 socket cfl light which i used 23w bulbs. Pro mix soil mix 65/35 with perlite. These pictures are from late week 4 just ready to switch to 12/12. Currently i have them under a 600w HPS and on a 12/12 cycle. I will post updated pictures after week two of bloom. In about 10 days. So until then any constructive insights would be appreciated. DSC_0539.jpgDSC_0540.jpgDSC_0541.jpgDSC_0542.jpgDSC_0543.jpgDSC_0544.jpgDSC_0545.jpgDSC_0546.jpgDSC_0547.jpgDSC_0548.jpg


Dropping in since I'm at week 3 of my first grow and looking to see what to expect. Have you started seeing preflowers/flowers yet? Do you do any kind of training on your plants? Going to subscribe in case you post finished results pics.
Yes my larger plants at 25 days i could see preflowers. They are currently on day 23 of flowering and loving life im down to 7 strong females i will post some pics for you glad to hear from you good luck