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  1. Major Malarky

    yay for censorship

    if you want some friends then sitting in all day playing on here aint gonna help. try or start a hobby. And i'm not takin the piss dude. seriously log out ,get out and do something
  2. Major Malarky

    yay for censorship

    or alright cunt face? or do one you cunt! or cunts like me make pricks like you stand up. sorry to celebrate it. just a couple of examples
  3. Major Malarky

    back with vengeance

    yep pretty sure there trichomes
  4. Major Malarky

    back with vengeance

    oh and its about 20 to 25 inch tall and about 20 degrees C
  5. Major Malarky

    back with vengeance

    ye think you rights about the light distance. will sort thanks.
  6. Major Malarky

    back with vengeance

    its all basic and cheap. two 130w cfl's and a 50w led. compost..... a browny black colour.. lol no nutes used yet as compost said it had 6 weeks of plant feed in it. and no ventilation as its just sitting in my closet.... i'm not a pro but i think i know what pistols are and i think i know what...
  7. Major Malarky

    back with vengeance

    wish i understood what you just said
  8. Major Malarky

    back with vengeance

    so after my first ever attempt at growing i was deeply disappointed, so try try again. here is my short stuff blue himalaya at about 5 weeks old from seed, i tried out a little lst during veg and got her on an 18/6 light schedule, she's a little taller than i expected and tricombs have just...
  9. Major Malarky

    Short stuff

    how accurate is the 8-10 weeks from seed claim
  10. Major Malarky

    Short stuff

    just ordered the blue himalaya wish i read this earlier...... gonna put in massive pots and top them.... try get the best outa them
  11. Major Malarky

    Short stuff

    Anyone tried the shortstuff seeds? How were your results?
  12. Major Malarky

    Moving to the US

    So you didn't waste anytime reading all 159 of them..... lol
  13. Major Malarky

    Moving to the US

    I'm not sure i really care. dry your eyes mate.
  14. Major Malarky

    Moving to the US

    only this time
  15. Major Malarky

    Moving to the US

    um as i'm trippin... i have an excuse.
  16. Major Malarky

    Moving to the US

    tut tut i expected better off you... i'll give an F for fail
  17. Major Malarky

    Moving to the US

    i'm tripping my tits of right now. if you want to destroy me now's the time to do it. x
  18. Major Malarky

    look at my plant progress

    some of the best advise has come from this guy. he seems pretty clued up. i'm a newbie too.
  19. Major Malarky


    Which one?
  20. Major Malarky

    Moving to the US

    no. I do a little more than surf the web all day! I shag a couple times a day, I eat at least once a day. I go get rolling papers and cigarettes sometimes... Oh, and I smoke copious amounts of Molta. lol