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  1. hydroman

    Ohio's Growers Thread :)

    OhamIhiOh here too...
  2. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    Thanks alot, i know im in love with four girls right now. lol There growing daily and filling in nicely. today when the lights first kicked on i changed out the water and cleaned everything again. i put some water in there to up it a lil and i wasnt sure about the water that i had used to add...
  3. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    well its been awhile since i have updated any pics, not alot has changed since the last posting. i am planing on changing out the water, and cleaning up the system this weekend. had probs with the venting over the weekend while i was gone, and well it reached almost 100 in there . lucky it was...
  4. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    ok well its at the end of week two , tomorrow will be three weeks. i have delt with the temp prob now its sitting at 78. humidity is sitting at 20ish % i just changed the water today and cleaned everything. there looking good and the pics are from today. watched on cnbc tonight Marijuana...
  5. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    seems that i cant get it up past 19% now. im going out tomorrow looking for somethign small to fit in there to help with the humidity. Maybe when i finish my door of the growroom ill have that neg air flow into the room to balance everything. temps are starting to creep up on me here and there...
  6. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    shop light but the bulbs are the plant and garden ones that are sold at lowes. i have two cool white i believe mixed into them. i would like to get more lighting ,i dont know about the t5lights. i saw them around but nothing so far in 6400k, all i see are the 3000k . walmart sells them, i...
  7. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    Hey thanks for everyting man, i was wondering. my room is cool and so is the air blowing around in it. i have the fans blowing on the bulb/hood/ just under the light, and two more fans blowing half way down the plants. so its not always lack of water that makes tips or leaves dry up? so heat...
  8. hydroman

    how close with 600w

    Just wondering how close i can get with my 600whps to my plants? i have two fans blowing on them now and another two in my room. the temps under the light runs in the upper 70;s high might reach 82. i have it about 24-20 inches now, just wondering if i could get them closer? thanks
  9. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    just wanted to update some pics i have, ill make sure i get some good ones when i change the water this weekend. i have a question about the hps light, i have a 600w wondering how close i can get it. i have to fans blowing across it and i can get my hand pretty much right to the bulb and hold...
  10. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    well 5 of the 7 ended up being female, :weed: im so happy! i cant get a good pic of them with the hps on so ill have to wait till i pull them all out and do it in good lighting. i had them out to clean the system and add new water, full blooming nutes now 3b-2m-1g flora series. i pulled the...
  11. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    getting ready to top them and put them into flower. trying to learn how to clone, i would like to bud the taller ones and then sex out the males from the clones, if i take two cuttings from eatch plant that should be enough? i have 7 plants still
  12. hydroman

    help me with clones,

    Well its been awhile since i have been on here. i was upset since my last try of clones didnt live. i dont know what i done wrong, temp was always in the high 70;s , sprayed missed lid twice three times aday. maybe i didnt keep the rockwool damp enough? i want to build a cloner, would it help...
  13. hydroman

    help me with clones,

    Thanks for all the replies,doing what i have heard and read. thinking of building a bubble cloner. i checked it out lastnight and i bet i have everything i need to do it now. this is my 2nd grow and if i had done this before i wouldnt have had to start from seed again. , and yes im doing one...
  14. hydroman

    help me with clones,

    Yeah , well i have never done this before and i got myself a humidity dome and tray when i was out. most pics are from when i cut them and theres really no change to them at all. i spray the inside of the dome and i keep a jar of water in there to try and help. its been around 50-75% sometimes...
  15. hydroman

    young babies

    pics were taken today, Couldnt make it to the hydro store today will have to make it tomorrow. i just need a few things ....anybody have any ideas about cloning i have a few good questions. i cant use my other space yet, slacker here havent finished it yet. so im forced to use the left over...
  16. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    pics were taken today, Couldnt make it to the hydro store today will have to make it tomorrow. i just need a few things ....anybody have any ideas about cloning i have a few good questions. i cant use my other space yet, slacker here havent finished it yet. so im forced to use the left over...
  17. hydroman

    drip system setup, what do ya think?

    just wanting to get some advice from anyone on here with anything u might see or have a question about. i started out first in a cooler place then where i have them now. they were not growing at all for about three weeks.. there takin off. they are just about two months old , i have them under...
  18. hydroman

    young babies

    Yes i moved it because it was getting too cold with the lights out, i had them going out during the mid day but temps were too cold out. stayed in the mid 60's lights out. The room i took them out of needs work done, a fan needs to be mounted in there for the exhaust out the roof. The room im...
  19. hydroman

    young babies

    just wanting to get some advice from a all you here. i have gotten alot of from hrs of research, i started out first in a cooler place then where i have them now. they were not growing at all for about three weeks.. now there takin off. they are just about two months old , i have them under 4...