young babies


Active Member
just wanting to get some advice from a all you here. i have gotten alot of from hrs of research, i started out first in a cooler place then where i have them now. they were not growing at all for about three weeks.. now there takin off. they are just about two months old , i have them under 4, two bulb, 40 watt lights. with some side lights to fill in a lil. i have kept them just above the plants.using flora grow,bloom,micro. using the chart right on the bottle.distilled water...makeshit tub im using just till i can get a real hydro tub i want and to see how ill set the room up.



Well-Known Member

What you got going on looks good so far. You mentioned you changed rooms and it got warmer and they are taking off. Do you have more fresh air in this room?
The reason I ask is without enough co2 a plant will stop growing.

From the looks of it I think you have an Indica dominate strain and indica usualy likes cooler temps from what I understand. Unless you were freezing their asses off a little warmer temps isnt going to get you a burst of growth.

The first two weeks of flowering will do it too.

What are you going to do for flowering lighting?


Active Member
Yes i moved it because it was getting too cold with the lights out, i had them going out during the mid day but temps were too cold out. stayed in the mid 60's lights out. The room i took them out of needs work done, a fan needs to be mounted in there for the exhaust out the roof. The room im in now has not been changed over to a grow room yet and is not vented just has a door cracked all the time. i have a fan blowing on the plants the whole time and its staying around 77-79 lights on 68-70 lights out. im picking up cloning stuff tomorrow so i can chop at some and get more going sending these into flowering. i just have to finish my other room first. i have 7 plants going now, dont know whos female or male yet, hope its 4f - 3male...week or two ill start flowering after have my clones going nice.

i have no idea what the plants could be there just bag seed, some co smoke..

i have a 600w hps light for flowering, with some side lighting too

this is my 2nd grow with this system. the first batch i got turned out nice...tho i didnt really wait to let it all dry fully before i smoked it.

thanks for checking it out


Active Member
pics were taken today, Couldnt make it to the hydro store today will have to make it tomorrow. i just need a few things ....anybody have any ideas about cloning i have a few good questions.

i cant use my other space yet, slacker here havent finished it yet. so im forced to use the left over lighting from my growing area to use for the clones. ill set something closer to the floor and have it in the light path. Would this work or should i use a light just for the clones? lights are what i have said before...

what temp should i keep them at

how wet should my rockwool be at all times? damp? or half damp?

should i just spray in the water or pour in.

i wouldnt mind trying clones just in water, maybe ill cut a few xtra, see how they go

thanks for checkin them out..ill be posting more often from now on i hope
anything could help, lates and thanks again