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  1. frankthedog

    To cut or not to cut.

    if your not having issues with mold or anything...let it ride...
  2. frankthedog

    Is it okay to let the soil dry up before you water your plant again?

    i wait untill the top inch or so of soil is dry...and i mean dry...when I stick a finger down into the soil it should feel cool and maybe a lil damp...but like i said the top is dry...i never let my plants go beyond this...worried about dry pockets and other ill for me...when i...
  3. frankthedog

    Is curing always better than just drying?

    Question about vaccum sealing with say a Food-Saver...would the best course of action be to dry your buds, cure them in jars untill they are where you want them...then what happens if you were to seal them up in the vaccum bags ? Would humidity change in the bags ? or would they stay prime ?
  4. frankthedog

    How PreMature Are These ? Moving Indoors to Avoid Rot ?

    Yup just gonna let them run outside, clip off the bad stuff and hope for the best, thanks for all info
  5. frankthedog

    How PreMature Are These ? Moving Indoors to Avoid Rot ?

    Well the more I think about it I come to the conclusion mold is usually just something you have to deal with on Van Isl...just going to continue cutting out the bad stuff as we find it...checking the forecast and praying for sunny windy days...however I am very curious still as to what would...
  6. frankthedog

    How PreMature Are These ? Moving Indoors to Avoid Rot ?

    This is the closet...if the best thing to do is bring inside and outside everyday...what would happen to the plant at this stage if it were to be brought inside the closet with just the normal light ? and say an ocsilating fan ? houseplant style if you will...
  7. frankthedog

    How PreMature Are These ? Moving Indoors to Avoid Rot ?

    Hello i found some botrytis the last couple days and its got me really worried...anyways i have cut off everything i have found ( painfull ) with mold on it. I have two main questions here, what would happen if i were to bring a plant inside at this stage ? when i mean inside i mean...
  8. frankthedog

    Botrytis, Bud Rot, Grey Mold...Confirm and Advise Please...

    Ok so I found this yesterday...Bud Rot right ? Cut out everything I could find...will be checkin again today. So now what is the next step ? I am going to stop feeding, incase it gets worse and there has to be an early harvest, so just water from now on. One thing I was wondering about is...
  9. frankthedog

    Logistics for watering an outdoor garden

    i was super concerned about ph for the start...said forget it after some bullshit tests and messin around after the first couple weeks and things are goin better than ever expected...just well water...mix and feed same day...just water days its straight from the hose...
  10. frankthedog

    Bud Rot

    the lemon juice and vinegar dishsoap you apply this even if there are no apparent signs of mold ? is it a prevention method ? if so how often do you apply this to your plants ? does it repel mold even after it has begun ? thanks for your time
  11. frankthedog

    Opinions on Watering ?

    right on...i give my 10 gallon pots about 6 gallons of water when i feed 6 gallons out of my watering can mixed with nutrients...and every other time is just well water from the hose untill i feel satisfied
  12. frankthedog

    Opinions on Watering ?

    How much water would you all give a plant in a 10 gallon pot ?
  13. frankthedog

    Vancouver Island...The Flowering...

    lol not sure why the pics are sideways must be the twisted teas
  14. frankthedog

    Vancouver Island...The Flowering...

    Just got home from camp today and the girls are flowering...pretty stoked was hoping they would start soon...not sure on exact dates but this would have started sometime in the last 8 days...any opinions, thoughts and critisizm welcome thanks all
  15. frankthedog

    Any ideas on how to lst these lady's

    i would drill holes near the top of your buckets and use those for your base...bend her down to where you want and tie her down...whatever you use make sure you dont put it on too tight...leave some room to grow...i used fishing line before but it looked like it was cutting into them...didnt...
  16. frankthedog

    Using bloom and veg?

    let the soil dry up a wee bit...roots need to breathe...cant breathe if your drowning...thats my opinion...
  17. frankthedog

    What do you think about selling the weed you grow?

    my outdoor is all for me n the girlfriend...right now its around 160$ an ounce for good indoor...we pretty much grow just to save money on buying smoke...there are big dreams of a indoor op one day though...there is no reason you should feel bad about selling your harvest if you know where its...
  18. frankthedog

    Plants aren't growing fast?any help is appreciated!

    maybe your medium...if its packed too tight...doesnt drain...your roots wont grow...
  19. frankthedog

    Moisture Meters Like This...

    hey all...maybe some of you have a meter somethin like this accurate do you all find yours to be ? what point do you find is best to water at ?...I usually stick it in kind of at an angle...try n' get the tip right down there...where the roots would be...and wait till' they have...
  20. frankthedog


    even if you dont have a pickaxe...any woodcutting axe will will ruin your edge but its easy to fix...i use my splitting axe with a 10lb head...cuts the shit outta shit...