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  1. I

    Later flowering concerns...

    interesting. mostly just high P and K, not N. Assuming too much nitrogen is the case, what do you recommend I do? How much longer of a flowering time I might expect as a result of this? Do you think it will hurt or help the final yield / quality of the yield? Thank you very much everybody, really
  2. I

    Later flowering concerns...

    I vegged them for about 6 weeks and then started flowering about 7 weeks ago, so all in all about 13 weeks since I first got the cuttings. Interestingly enough the three plants that are doing this are pretty much in as direct light as can be, right under the 1000w - but not too close where it...
  3. I

    Later flowering concerns...

    and yes, it did start forming totally normally and then recently started those protrusions, not sure if it had to do with the desk lamp accidently being left on (very weak 40w vs the 3000w that are normally on 12 hours. With that in mind, could that 40w have put the plants back into vegging? If...
  4. I

    Later flowering concerns...

    Thank you very much for all the replies! Here are a few more pictures, hopefully these are a little better. As far as lighting, it has been on 12-12 for 7 weeks, and unfortunately a 40w desk lamp inside the room had been left on for two days while the lights were off a few weeks ago, but of the...
  5. I

    Later flowering concerns...

    We are currently in week 7 of flowering and for some reason it appears that some sudden new growth has appeared and I am seeing a lot of white hairs. They aren't forming too closely together though so I am not sure if they will fuse together to form a cola or not, as the flowering cycle should...
  6. I

    Grow Room set up, suggestions?

    Hello, I am trying to maximize my yield. I currently have a 5 x 5 closet about 8 feet tall. I have completely set up the room as follows: Completely sanitized the room with antifungal, mildew, mold and spider sprays, wiped everything down clean and then coated the room in thick sheets of dark...
  7. I

    Male , female of hermie...?

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I forgot to actually send a picture of the "balls". What do you think of these? Is there any chance that these plants could be hermaphrodites?
  8. I

    Male , female of hermie...?

    I am growing 3 plants in a closet grow and they turned over to 12/12 3 weeks ago. I am a little concerned because until recently, I was not seeing ANY signs of their sex, but now I am seeing these bulb like balls above the branches along the main stem which made me think male balls, but they...