Male , female of hermie...?


New Member
I am growing 3 plants in a closet grow and they turned over to 12/12 3 weeks ago. I am a little concerned because until recently, I was not seeing ANY signs of their sex, but now I am seeing these bulb like balls above the branches along the main stem which made me think male balls, but they look different. Here is a picture of the plant # 1 on a lower branch (you can see the balls) and then the second pic is towards the top where I can see some hairs Plant # 1 also happens to be about half the height of the other two plants. The third pic is what plant # 2 and # 3 look like. It is towards the top of the tree and note that plants #2 and #3 are nearly twice as tall as plant # 1 Additionally, plants 2 and 3 also have those big bulbs above the branches.... Please give me feedback as soon as possible. Also, I have a seed I found in some really good Girl Scout Cookies. It is in the same room as the flowering plants for the time being. It sprouted about a week a week ago and is about 6 inches tall. Is there any reason to get this out of this room immediately so if these other plants are males or hermies, might it have an affect on this seedling of GSC? Thank you very much

So based on these pictures, what would you say the sex of plant 1, 2 and 3 are? And should I get rid of them asap? Thanks everybody



New Member
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I forgot to actually send a picture of the "balls". What do you think of these? photo-1.jpg Is there any chance that these plants could be hermaphrodites?