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  1. J

    1st grow ever. Experimenting.

    UPDATE: So here they are now, I havent given them any nutrients, just topped up the soil and give them water every 5-7 days. What do ya'll think of this little experiment
  2. J

    1st grow ever. Experimenting.

    So, I bought auto-flowering seeds, but i dont really know what that means. They are about 5 weeks old now, how long until they would start flowering? What do I have to do? The weather if finally nice where I live so I can leave them outside during the day to get some wind. The bottom few leaves...
  3. J

    1st grow ever. Experimenting.

    UPDATE: All three seem like females so far. What do ya'll think? Also why do all my pics show up sideways when they are the right way on my computer?
  4. J

    1st grow ever. Experimenting.

    04/26/2013 Here is progress so far. Seems to be growing ok, for a window sill grow.
  5. J

    Newbie needs help fast

    wow, thanks all for the quick informative responses. Ok, so i was going to ask what nutrients to give them, i guess tomato food for this first time experiment. The reason i have not put them outside is that its still pretty cold during the day where i live, my balcony gets TONS of sun, but...
  6. J

    1st grow ever. Experimenting.

    04/17/2013 So I went out and bought some seeds, auto flowering pineapple strain, 5 seeds. Let see what happens here. I started out like this 04/19/2013 They floated for a while then some dropped after about 24 hours, the rest i nudged and they went down. After about 48 hours I moved...
  7. J

    Newbie needs help fast

    Thanks, I'm not sure about the light, it's very sunny where I live if that helps :) this is kind if an experiment
  8. J

    Newbie needs help fast

    Thanks, I'm not sure about the light, it's very sunny where I live if that helps :)
  9. J

    Newbie needs help fast

    Thanks! Will do and will keep y'all posted
  10. J

    Newbie needs help fast

    here are some pics, I guess you cant really see the spots with phone pics, but they are there
  11. J

    Newbie needs help fast

    Hi all, so i've been reading the forums here and basically anywhere i can read up on info about how to grow. This is my first time, so any help is appreciated. So I started growing a few plants on a windowsill just for the hell of it, always wanted to, nothing really serious, more of a first...