Newbie needs help fast


New Member
Hi all, so i've been reading the forums here and basically anywhere i can read up on info about how to grow. This is my first time, so any help is appreciated.

So I started growing a few plants on a windowsill just for the hell of it, always wanted to, nothing really serious, more of a first time experiment then anything else. Honestly im not even expecting to smoke anything from these. So i went to the local store and grabbed some auto-flowering seeds. The guy at the store suggested it for the first time.

Anyways, i bought a pack of 5 seeds, germinated them in a combination of a glass of water and paper towel, all but one sprouted so i planted them all anyways, 3 in one pot, 2 in the other. I planted them in a seed starting soil mix, again this if my first time so i don't really have any experience.

So i planted them in the soil on the 20th, 3 have sprouted out from the soil. They looked really good at first, really green and healthy, and already, basically one day after they sprouted they're looking like they're loosing they're green colour and one of the tiny little leaves has a brown spot on it.

Is this anything to worry about, or should i just keep going and see what happens? Again, they are in pots on a windowsill, so i realize its not the best conditions, not under a grow light, but in a very sunny south facing window sill.

Am I freaking out, any comments positive and negative are welcome and thanks a bunch


Well-Known Member
Do not water these for awhile. Dont overfeed them. I dont know anything about window growing. I question if they are getting enough light.


Right now they look "ok". I wouldn't bother growing them indoors without a light and nutrients. In about 2 weeks they will be begging for food (yellowing of cotyledon). That may be a good time to transplant them into a more nutrient heavy mix. Growing them outside for more direct light and air is my suggestion. On a windowsill they aren't getting the proper amount of direct sunlight or air and will probably die soon. The sun needs to be shining directly on them all day. Wait for the soil to be completely bone dry before you water. You should only be watering twice a week at about 2-3 days apart. You will know if they are ready to be watered if you stick your finger in the dirt and it's completely dry up to your 2nd knuckle. Make sure you are using distilled water or similar water in jugs and it is ph'd to 6.5 Soil pH should be around 6.5-7.0.

Autoflowers grow best on a light schedule of 20/4 but you will pull a decent yield from 18/6. Grow them outside if you can and get some plant food (regular tomato food if you want to keep it on the cheap). In the meantime I'd suggest doing some reading about how to grow.

EDIT: In one of the pics I see a parking lot, I'm assuming you live in an apartment. I guess you can scratch growing them outside unless you have a balcony or some really chill neighbors lol. Perhaps you can get some kind of electric light close to them and leave it on?


Active Member
1. those pots are to big for seedlings, it makes the plant work harder to produce a strong root ball.
2. the plants are going to stretch big time, you can already see them leaning towards the sun, trying to get more light.
3. next time invest in a soil that has 1-2 weeks worth of nutrient feed in it.
4. if possibly, transplant them to a small cup/pot... if they are on the window sill and get great light, why cant they be directly in the sunlight outside?


New Member
wow, thanks all for the quick informative responses.

Ok, so i was going to ask what nutrients to give them, i guess tomato food for this first time experiment. The reason i have not put them outside is that its still pretty cold during the day where i live, my balcony gets TONS of sun, but its the cold air that im scared of.

When should i transplant these to different separate pots? Also what type of soil should i use once i transplant them? Is there a store bought soil i can use instead of having to mix it myself? Also, the pots they are in are big, but they're not filled up with too much soil.

Thanks again. Learning tons here.