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  1. xxMotoxx

    Safe pruning?

    they;ve been there over 30 days,just have alot of small under growth and i was thinking if i trim it the energy will go to the rest of the plant growth,but seems to be not safe so ill not do that. i do trim before the flowering stage but i still had alot of small stuff so i was wondering
  2. xxMotoxx

    Safe pruning?

    Hey,indoor,was wondering how much undergrowth trimming can i safely do while its in flowering stage without doing harm?
  3. xxMotoxx

    Howlong to leave in soil,after harvest

    ty appreciate the info
  4. xxMotoxx

    Howlong to leave in soil,after harvest

    my plants r done and i turned lights out so it doesnt overflower,how long is it safe to have plants in buckets until it can be trimmed?Do i need to leave lights on til i harvest everything or do i have to cut it all down and just let it dry and trim as it get crisp?
  5. xxMotoxx

    Master kush,9th week flowering need advice

    Yes the trichomes look alright its just,they seem to be not growing anymore,the bud that is,and i trimmed all under growth and topped em,,and i was at 6.6 ph and i was getting bad results also,
  6. xxMotoxx

    Master kush,9th week flowering need advice

    Heya guys,in 9th week 9days left,and i;ve done everything and still am getting little output from my baby'si only see a pound and alot of small bud,i have 2 1000hps lights on em,and is supposed to be a good yeild,,its 6.0 ph lvl i changed to ,50%humidity,77degrees F during light hours,fox farm...
  7. xxMotoxx

    Master kush 6th week

    ty appreciate the imput im trying to heat it up more and add MG so hopefully they start plumpin up again soon.
  8. xxMotoxx

    Master kush 6th week

    Ok thx for advice i will play around with the nutrients a little
  9. xxMotoxx

    HELP needed,6th wk into Flowering

    Dam ok that"s a big difference ill definatly heat it up ty bro i appreciate it,only about 4 yr grower so im learning everything still lol..
  10. xxMotoxx

    HELP needed,6th wk into Flowering

    Ac works wonders i guess lol and i have a evap cooler goining on bottom of canopy where i can move it around like a portabl;e fan ,,but ty guys MG makes sense to me so hopefully that will make things look better,,ty for all the remarks realy appreciate it ;
  11. xxMotoxx

    HELP needed,6th wk into Flowering

    maybe purple because its colder maybe than it should be ? havnt seen alot of concrete info on some info of this strain
  12. xxMotoxx

    HELP needed,6th wk into Flowering

    ya 70 sometime 68 ,10deggree differnce at night,,is it to cold ?
  13. xxMotoxx

    HELP needed,6th wk into Flowering

    was over ph ing the water before in soil but ive used sledgehammer to unlock nutrients just about a week ago but that was first time i used flush i uasly oly used water so maybe i had previous lockup?
  14. xxMotoxx

    HELP needed,6th wk into Flowering

    15" some r 10"
  15. xxMotoxx

    HELP needed,6th wk into Flowering

    heya peeps,need help baddly,i thought ive went through everything but into 6th week of flowering master kush,2 1000watt hps,,fox farm nutrients,70degrees,50percent humidity, 6.6 ph water,airflow,and im still getting small airy buds and this is supposed to be high yeilding,,please any info is...
  16. xxMotoxx

    Master kush 6th week

    Heya guys on 6th week and things are not going as well as expected,2 1000hps lights foxfarms nutrients, 6.6 ph water ,70degrees,50 humidity,,,help would be awesome thanks.