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  1. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    Temps are now 29-30C. Not sure what else I can do. Maybe get a 16" oscillating wall mount fan and hope it drops the temp a few more degrees.
  2. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    How many degrees would one 16" wall mount fan cool the tent. I think 2 would be over kill. I am pulling the air through the hoods and out of the tent. My basement is pretty big, and it's cool down there. I am using that air to cool the hoods just not working. What I did today was swapped...
  3. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    Outside tent 22C all day and night. Checked with 2 thermometers same with both. One of them is brand new that's why I bought it. I was in shock when the temps climbed to 35C.
  4. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    Right now I have every set up at per pic #2 that I posted in main post. Here are some pics, I really dont know why the lights are not getting cooled. Put a 8" 750CFM fan just for them.
  5. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    Update: Hooked up the 6" inline with a carbon filter. Turned both lights on 100% 30 min ago and temps are at 32C. Not sure what to do. I know at these kind of temps I will have a shitty grow. Can someone please give me some advice.
  6. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    There are 4 flaps on the bottom of the tent that are open for passive air coming in. I swapped the 6" 400 cfm with a 750 cfm 8". Had to put a 8"-6" reducer but it seems to be working fine. Temps are down to 28C with one 600w at 100%. Tomorrow I will mount my old 6" with a carbon filter...
  7. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    Hey sorry for the mis understanding. I don't have everything for pic 2. I only got 1 too start with. Got a 8" 753 cfm now going to hook it up see what happens. I'll leave the 6" for the filter. Update you guys soon.
  8. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    Spoke to guy at the hydroponic store and he recommended I go with a 8" fan to cool the lights. So I'm heading over there now. I'll keep you guys posted how it goes. Damn this is a expensive hobby lol.
  9. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    2 air cooled hoods with 1 inline pulling air through them from the basement and back out to the basement. I have not yet added the exhaust with the carbon filter, because I still have to buy 1 more inline fan and the smell hasn't kicked in yet. My original setup was going to look something like...
  10. Screamz

    HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!

    Hey fellas, It's been a while since my first closet grow. I am trying to step up my game, second time around, but things are not working out exactly as planed. Currently the ladies are still in party cups and I'm running one 600w MH at 50% so I can keep the heat down in the tent. I was hoping...
  11. Screamz

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How much longer do u think? Should i put the lights back on today?
  12. Screamz

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Was gone for 3 weeks, it was getting flushed with non ph'ed water. This is day 62 need to know if they are ready cause I can't wait no more. I know they look bad, but I wasn't here so they prettty much went to shit. I also cut one branch to dry and test. They have also been in the dark for the...
  13. Screamz

    Cheap canadian alternative to Secret Jardin tents.

    If you can PM me the seller's page that would be great. I will be purchasing a tent within the next couple of weeks. Thanks in advance.
  14. Screamz

    Cheap canadian alternative to Secret Jardin tents.

    Did you by any chance get this off I was thinking of purchasing one myself. If that's the one, please let me know what you think of it.
  15. Screamz

    First grow - Kalishnikova 3 weeks into flower

    What exactly do you mean by this?? Also can someone please confirm that those weren't ready at 41 days like Rodrigues said. I'm like half way across the world and really tripping out that I ruined my grow.
  16. Screamz

    First grow - Kalishnikova 3 weeks into flower

    No they were not autos. I really hope they weren't done at 41 days. Since I won't be back for another 10 days from today. Mother in law has been watering them for me and she says they are stinking really bad lol. I can't wait to see how they look when I get back, hope I didn't ruin my...
  17. Screamz

    First grow - Kalishnikova 3 weeks into flower

    Thanks man. I guess for my first grow it didn't turn out too bad. But still made a lot of mistakes, just gotta make sure to learn from them. As for the investment, whatever you put into it, sooner or later it will pay itself off. Definitely don't cheap out on the lights, that's the main thing...
  18. Screamz

    First grow - Kalishnikova 3 weeks into flower

    #1 #2 #3 #4 Here it is guys, it will be my final update until right before harvest. I don't think they are looking to well, and I don't think they will get any better as I am leaving on Wednesday. Today they will be getting their last feeding and after that it will be just water. Wednesday...
  19. Screamz

    Severe yellowing in flower

    I think we are having the same problem. The problem with us is that we are using a one part nutrient, and we can't just increase N. Check out my thread, mine are also yellowing, and I thought adding more nutes would help because FloraNova bloom has N in it. But I ended up burning them. :(
  20. Screamz

    MOST Bang for my Buck!

    Very nice kief bro. Last pic looks awesome almost like pure trichs.