HELP! 4 x 8 x 6.5 tent over heating like crazy!


How many degrees would one 16" wall mount fan cool the tent. I think 2 would be over kill.

I am pulling the air through the hoods and out of the tent. My basement is pretty big, and it's cool down there. I am using that air to cool the hoods just not working.

What I did today was swapped everything around. I had the air that was getting pulled through the lights going straight into a wall, now it's blowing to the basement. Turned both lights on and testing the temperature bottom of the tent. Will report back in a hour or so with temps.


Temps are now 29-30C. Not sure what else I can do. Maybe get a 16" oscillating wall mount fan and hope it drops the temp a few more degrees.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I use 2 6 inch inline fans from home depot to bring air into my 4x8 tents directly, . Mycarbon filter is in the tent and I use a 450 cfm fan to suck air through the filter and out the tent. I have 3 small 6inch clip on oscolatting fans to help move the air and then I put 1 house box fan at each end of the tent blowing into plants and eventually under.I run co2 so I run in cycles with sometimes no vent air out but always cool air in..I rarely hit above 82 ish when running co2. But on average with 3 open hoods with 600 watt bulbs I have zero issues keeping temps at that 78-80 mark F. Not sure why your having so much heat. 600 watters never seem to give off much heat for me. I run them open hoods in 4x4 tents to with less air movement.


Well-Known Member
Did anybody say a/c the outside if the tent to get the ambient temp down and Mabey add a small booster fan for intake