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  1. T

    Attic Growing

    Dont confine youself with a grow box. Home depot sells a reflective flexible insulation you can nail to your walls . It will cover the exposed fiberglass and reflect like mylar. Then yoiu can use the whole space for growing. Go big. Invest in quality eqipment. Read a lot on the subject and you...
  2. T

    I'm so confused...

    Paint the closet under the stairs white. Buy a 600 watt grow light that goes from MH to HPS exchangeable. Otherwise just keep buying the shit. Risking getting busted is only worth it if you make it worth it. If you move forward with this little information and equipment for indoor grow your...
  3. T

    ???how do u make a false wall

    How about a link from your spinal column to your brain. This aint rocket science. If you cant build a false wall. Then you seriously shouldn't be handling shit you have to to hide.
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    8x24x8 Outdoor grow room (lighting layout?)

    I have 24' long rows also. My space is 11*24. I use 8 1000W lights. In a 2 by 4 configuration. This amount of lighting might be overkill for you as you are 24 by 8 feet. maybe 8 600 W lights would work better in that 2 by 4 configuration. Regardless you are basically looking at $3500-$5000 a...
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    if i was to do this how bigg...

    If you have access to cheap quality reliable clones then don't have a veg and a flower room. Buy clones veg for a month flower for two. The whole room. Harvest every three months. Easy as pie. Why does everyone want to do this split room shit. I don't understand the benefit cost analysis people...
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    Underground sea container grow room!

    Air vents are required. What if it rains? Still using a ton of electricity. Expensive as fuck. Thought about it myself however.
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    Recommended height for air-cooled 1000W HPS?

    Have 1,000 watt lights. Air cooled. 18" works for me. Move them closer everyday a few inches and the plant will tell you when its to close then measure that distance hang a string and weight from the lamp and maintain that distance.
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    $15,000 Where do I start

    Why would the veg room be larger than the flowering room
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    Industrial Setup!

    Arrid. You dont know what the fuck your talking about. All people are not created equally. Some people like lets say my friend grew 90 in an industrial set up first time in the middle of summer 97% survival rate. Just because you started learning to cook by making PB and J's in your mama's...
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    My Early California Harvest Trip

    Weight? Strain?
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    Question About Harvesting Multiple Plants

    Yes many trybto harvest at the same time. But when they arent ready at the same time. Harvest what is ready when it becomes ready. Why am I even answering this. IS this even a question.
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    Trichromes all white

    Dont tell them about "trichrome" it how we weed out the idiots.
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    Are these girls ready yet? and other q's

    40X zoom pocket microscopes are 12$ online. No excuse by one now. Harvest when 1/2 trichomes are milky 1/2 amber.
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    newest a/c system

    What the fuck did I just see.
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    glowing door compensating stealth

    Buy foylon, its like a tarp version of mylar. Fabric reflecting 95% of the light. Can you say problem solved. Dark room material doesnt reflect light back to the plants. Foylon will block the light leaving and relfect that $$$ back at the plants.
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    95 Degrees + Need Help Now!

    AC, air cooled light, end of story. Good day. PS you dont know what expensive is.
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    lighting for flowering

    HPS 12/12 all the way. No interrupting the sleeping plants with light or you are fucked. Green lightbulbs dont interrupt sleeping plants so you can work in the garden at night if you have to.
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    first grow: possibly window sill?

    Dont do the box thing unless you make sure to avoid the fire risks. Growing in a window will only be so productive. Maybe a steel would work. Like a locker type.
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    Home made Co2

    You would get more co2 from breathing in the room while you conduct this retarded third grade science experiment. If your going to waste yeast and sugar, why not just make beer in the room in a five gallon container. At least then when you realize that it isnt helping you can drink some brew and...
  20. T

    leaving for two weeks, unattended hydro setup

    Make sure water evaporation is accounted for. I have to refill reseevoirs every 2 days otherwise it gets dangerously low. The big concern is running out of water in a hydro set up. Put lights at a hight witch anticipates 1" a day growth. So 7 inches higher than they are currently.