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  1. SoKo420

    Where the hell is my buddy Loud Blunts ?

    well spoken Loudblunts... :clap:
  2. SoKo420


    i got some romulus plants growing 1 male, 4 females, its dream goddess x romulan, i got the seeds from a special breeder, but good luck on finding those seeds.
  3. SoKo420

    Buy weed online

    if your connects take a long time, it's going to take longer when they ship it to you from europe because those are the only ones that sell/mail weed online anyways....
  4. SoKo420

    Drug testing procedures?

    well mine is proven to work from experience and experience from others.. and it doesn't involve a fake dick or someone elses piss....
  5. SoKo420

    Getting Caught

    I'm just saying, do you would really want to risk your future by hiding it in your house when there is even slight chance that they could find it.... Hide it off your property where they won't be able to look...
  6. SoKo420

    Getting Caught

    someone elses house
  7. SoKo420

    Getting Caught

    just keep your mouth shut and you should not get in deeper trouble than you are already in.
  8. SoKo420

    sprouts growing all twisted and mangled looking.

    stretching put the lights closer.
  9. SoKo420


    make sure you dont splash the leaves when you water them.
  10. SoKo420

    Drug testing procedures?

    4-5 hours before the test drink water constantly until your piss is clear. Then drink green tea to add color to your piss. When you do piss in the cup pee in to the toilet first for a few seconds then pee into the cup until it hit the minimum amount. then finish peeing the rest into the toilet...
  11. SoKo420

    Just picked up.

    just got a 1/4 of this nice dank, sticky icky.
  12. SoKo420

    Just made some hash.

    it is porcelain or something like it.
  13. SoKo420

    Just made some hash.

  14. SoKo420

    Just made some hash.

    Check out the hash i just made for the first time. First pic is the 4 part 3" chromium grinder. then collected the kief and put it in the green kief press, and put that in the oven 345 fahrenheit for 10 mins. then stuck it in the freezer ice box until cold.last pic is the finished product.
  15. SoKo420


    1 teaspoon for a gallon or sumthin like that. Use the search im sure theres another thread like this.
  16. SoKo420

    mason jars.

    yea i know thats why there was a haha in front.
  17. SoKo420

    mason jars.

    haha :finger:. i would if i knew you but its the internet, it was a great deal too $9 for 12, less than a dollar per jar.
  18. SoKo420

    mason jars.

    lol where do i send them? :-P haha j/k
  19. SoKo420

    mason jars.

    i bought 12 ball quart mason jars that have like a twist lid from ace hardware because the guy told me they didn't sell them :wall:, o well i think these will work.
  20. SoKo420

    mason jars.

    i went to wal mart to buy some mason jars so i could cure my harvest, and i asked an employee where to find them and he said that they no longer sell them there. so then i had to go to a hardware store and buy a pack of 12, wtf i dont need 12 i only need a couple, and they used to sell them...