Where the hell is my buddy Loud Blunts ?

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Well-Known Member
and yes...the world is all about making money and business...but rolli has no concern for any of his members safety..that was the real issue beyond intercepting peoples private messages. enough said.


stays relevant.
(sigh) Of course I do. And that person has openly admitted having very real and serious mental illness.

Look, apparently this is a completely foreign concept here, but how about, even if y'all aren't mensches, how about you just try to act like mensches? At the very least, pretend to have some class if you can't pretend to have honor.

You know just as well as I do that she doesnt DESERVE class... There are a lot of people with serious mental illnesses on this forum, whether they admit it or not- and we're all subject to becoming mentally ill... but you have to take responsibility for your actions, and decisions.

Trust me... I have family members who are just as "ill" if not worse, and they don't go around abusing people for days straight... and if they did, I wouldn't associate myself with them.

It's not that I have no class, or can't see it from her perspective... I've just run out of compassion for those who use mental defects as an excuse to verbally abuse people.

I think she is a fine human being at heart... but definitely needs to work on herself... of course, we could all use a little self improvement...


stays relevant.
and yes...the world is all about making money and business...but rolli has no concern for any of his members safety..that was the real issue beyond intercepting peoples private messages. enough said.

How do you figure he does not care for his members safety... and remember, they explained that they don't go reading other peoples private messages... just messages that get blocked by the system spam filter, so that they can either ban the spammer, or approve the message... the same way nearly all other forum spam filters work.

Rolli is a stand up guy... and I know for sure that he cares about his members safety... I just don't get why you think he doesn't, and why you think it should be his job to make sure you're all safe. I mean... he does enough to protect the server and the information on the server from the authorities... why don't members pick up a little bit of slack to be sure that they are secure on their own?


Well-Known Member
ya so sure about that?

seems to me all the fat is over here....

you cant be so naive as to NOT see all the bad terrible advice floating around here....

bwahahaha the blind leading the blind

sure RIU may have more member count, but thas obvious because he doesnt delete accounts....could it be maybe for traffic? of course it is.... we know more traffic and 'member' count equals more money

unlike RIU, we actually have 400 members who actually grow

not the billion members of RIU who just buy weed, or who are teens, or who just give bad all around advice....

before you speak next time, you should think about it twice.
I can't even argue with ya bruh, not one lie in that statement.

wassup mane!
Shit chillen.
was good peace;-)


Well-Known Member
token some bomb with my mom and sister... tryin to concentrate on readin the site but they bitchin so loud bout stupid ass shit hahaha
im blitzed!


stays relevant.
I can't even argue with ya bruh, not one lie in that statement.

Aside from more members = more money. Active members = money. Anyone can purchase or write a script to add members to their database, but the content they post is what is valueable... and only really up to the point that it brings in SE traffic.


stays relevant.
GT...explain to me how PRIVATE messages between friends are spam....please.

If you don't think spam is capable of being sent via private forums you're wrong. Spammers will register accounts, and manage them until a post count has been reached that will allow PMs to be sent. Spammers will then send spam to as many people as they like...

Remember it's not the staff just picking through random PMs, but a list of PMs that get marked as spam.

I would be pretty pissed if someone used my HondaFan.com forum to advertise someone elses GoHonda.com forum for example.


Well-Known Member
here is just an example....someone asks where someone disappeared to...so they private message that person with SS's site name...then the filter catches it and blocks their pm's....sounds a bit crazy to me...I am actually amazed I saw that site name come up in this thread and it is still open man


stays relevant.
here is just an example....someone asks where someone disappeared to...so they private message that person with SS's site name...then the filter catches it and blocks their pm's....sounds a bit crazy to me...I am actually amazed I saw that site name come up in this thread and it is still open man

I don't think that's out of line, especially since SS members were coming here and spamming their site. The top 5 search engines do it all of the time. It's about protecting your traffic, and retaining it.
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