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  1. Eagle Eyes

    Hydroponics VS Soil (plz read)

    Experience!!!! Experience!!! Experience!!! The experienced gardener often likes to play, and experiment as they grow. I've done some outdoors, hydro, and soil. I prefer to "play" and "experiment" with hydro because it is much simpler to be specific, and create controls for different nute...
  2. Eagle Eyes

    leave problems (pics)

    Hey Londoner, why not leave your terrific attitude acoss the pond. Meta-cognative arguments aside, I never once used the term "fertilizer" and used the common N. American phraseing of Mirical Grow," and other slow release, or pre-nute" Have a lovely day. Signed the Cheeky Monkey.
  3. Eagle Eyes

    Bro thinks ready, I say 2 weeks??? (pics)

    My brother and I had set up some CFL grows and I think he's getting antsy to harvest. Here are some shots of his grow. He ended up with three females, and flowered for just 35 days (5 weeks). I told him to wait 1-2 weeks before harvest, and maybe 3. What do you think???? P.s. I figure his...
  4. Eagle Eyes

    leave problems (pics)

    When I began growing indoors, I took loads o clippings, rooted them out, and then plantd in a "pre-nute" soil. I found out too late that my choice of soil was doing the damage. My little ladies started great, within 3 days, the lower leaf sets yellowed, and died. They looked identical to...
  5. Eagle Eyes


    Dude!! SOOOOO very true. Officer Bob, now has probable cause and can use that FOREVER if he added it to his notes. Lay Low big time. I'm not saying be paranoid, but for the next little while (4-6 months at least) anytime you deal with the cops keep it in mind. Many state and federal statues make...
  6. Eagle Eyes

    Topping really a good Idea? The Experiment. (Pics)

    Topping worked well for me. Your right when you said it slowed growth. My understanding is that topping is most often used to kep plants short, but bushy (great for a small grow area). The plant continues to grow at the "topped" area, but muh slower, the plant compensates by increasing growt...
  7. Eagle Eyes

    Clone in veg. sprouted white hairs

    You can't force the clone to do anything outside the genetics. with a little patience the clone WILL in most cases revert back to vegging, It may take a couple of weeks before you notice any change or growth (some genetic strains will not "re-enter" the veg cycle, its’ rare but possible)...
  8. Eagle Eyes

    Best Trich Help I found

    Just thought I'd point out a great reource link regarding Trichromes. I know that I am a very visual person. This link has pics of the Trichs at three distinct stages, with a good explanation for each. It really helped me. (Boy, I'm sure glad I didn't harest yet. My babies are still inthe first...
  9. Eagle Eyes

    Cheaper molasses better for your plants?

    There seems to be a ton of people discussing the differences between their brands, and the respective nutrional facts. I’m sure most who have used molasses in their SOIL grows have seen some benefit. First..... there are three(3) common types of molasses We often hear the term "blackstrap...
  10. Eagle Eyes

    First CFL Grow Cabinet

    Here's a little update. I finalized sxing the babes, and got a litte shocker One of the 3 females went hermi. I was left with 2 lovely little girls. With a full week of flowering both look great. Well I think they do anyway! What do yo think. I am using a "Shultz - Flowering nute at 10-54-10"...
  11. Eagle Eyes

    another new cabinet grow CFL!! need comments plz!

    Looks like a good start. Keep in mind that your babies will grow quickly. How much space do you have between the top of your planters and the highest light placement? I think your OK now, as you can have the plants as close to 2-3 inches from the lights. Your little babies will reach almost...
  12. Eagle Eyes

    First CFL Grow Cabinet

    Here’ some shots of my first grow set up. After seeing an article for the “BC Bloom Box,” I decided I could do the same. I figured I’d try to go on the cheap so went with CFL’s. All the parts were bought new, except the box, and fan. I’m sure it could have been even cheaper had I taken the...