Topping really a good Idea? The Experiment. (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and dolls. I have five plants I just started flowering about 4 days ago. They are exactly a montha three weeks today. I had excellent growth throughout veg. using a 1000w mh bulb, Miricle grow all purpose potting soil, Dutchmaster One Nutes and 2tbls/gal. mollasses, homemade co2 (yeast, sugar and water).

From the fourth set of leaves I started topping to keep all the branches growing the same height. I have a few plants that required more than the others. I have some nice branches and the stems and branches have really thickened up from the molasses. My question is this. Does topping really help. I read around and more people seem to say yes which was my influence to give it a shot. But, will my plants give me the same (or more as others suggest) yeild as they would had I not topped them?

I'm wondering cuz due to topping the plants are of course shorter then im used to at this far into the grow. I also did a lot of pruning per lights needs of plants. Any help is appriciated thanks ya'll.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, will post pics tonight, cameras in the car. I forgot to mention that Now that I'm in flower the bulb I'm using is a 1000w-hps-150,000 lumens. The veg. bulb is a 1000W-MH-100,000 lumens.

Also, I did some FIM prunning early in veg but couldn't seem to have acceptable growth. Seemed to slow growth on branch to long to be bennificial. Anyone had any succes with this technique, maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks again.

Eagle Eyes

Active Member
Topping worked well for me. Your right when you said it slowed growth. My understanding is that topping is most often used to kep plants short, but bushy (great for a small grow area). The plant continues to grow at the "topped" area, but muh slower, the plant compensates by increasing growt outward, rather than up.

A great cheat for this is to tip the plant 45 degrees after topping, the low outward growth is trained to go up.

