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  1. M

    Recovering from overwatering ?

    is there nothing i can do ? I transferred it to some fresh soil, I didn't water it though, when should I water it ? and how should I use hydrogen peroxide that I have (3 % store quality) I also have miracle grow plant food 24 8 16
  2. M

    Recovering from overwatering ?

    anyone at all ?
  3. M

    !1st time grower tell me what u think! *PICS*

    that doesn't even look like marijuana
  4. M

    Check em Out Sour Diesel

    they look good, good job
  5. M

    24 8 16 miracle grow plant food

    Just bought it anyone have experience or know anything about this nute ?
  6. M

    I am so frustrated, please help

    fuckoff maybe you stupid twat?
  7. M

    I am so frustrated, please help

    nah i don't give up that easy
  8. M

    I am so frustrated, please help

    What Nutrient would you recommend I buy? Is fox farm grow big good? growth stimulator ? what kind should i get
  9. M

    I am so frustrated, please help

    hmm i dunno, it's pretty warm around here and my water ph is usually 6.8... whats it look like to you
  10. M

    Recovering from overwatering ?

    What are my options guise?
  11. M

    I am so frustrated, please help

    Did you have to hijack my thread ? !
  12. M

    I am so frustrated, please help

    i don't give her any nutes just superthrive if that counts as a nute, 2 drops for a gallon every watering. The leaves are all the way down droopy, I think I overwatered because they look a lot like the picture in overwatering.
  13. M

    I am so frustrated, please help

    its outdoor grow
  14. M

    I am so frustrated, please help

    Plant leaves are turning completely yellow, leaves are all droopy, tips of leaves look scorched... What the heck is goin on? I've been trying to lower PH now for 3 days, Ph of the soil was 7.0 now it's at 6.5. I've been givin it 2 drops for every gallon and 2 drops of superthrive. Am I...
  15. M

    Question about Nutrients and Fox Farms ocean forrest

    Ok I'm using fox farms ocean forrest right now and it's basically the second week it's in it, now I'm just wondering if I'm supposed to be using nutrients right now or not because I heard that ocean forrest had a enough nutrients in it to last a month.
  16. M

    How does my plant look ?? (PICS)

    The yellow leaf at the end died and fell off with the stem attached to it
  17. M

    plant is 99% dead :/

    how come it didn't get water for 6 days?
  18. M

    How does my plant look ?? (PICS)

    She was dying on me as you could see in this thread... Here's what she looks like now, I had to get rid of one leaf since it was 90 percent dead/dry The yellow leaf at then bothers me since I don't know what...
  19. M

    Question about lowering ph of soil

    anyone ? :neutral: