Woke up and plant is shriveling down?!!


Well-Known Member
hey guys check out my pic, i went to bed last night with ph around 5.8 and today i went and checked it and it was 6.4 anyways does anyone have any idea what went wrong? it looked great about 8 hours ago.



Well-Known Member
dude its in a hydroponic container, DWC bubbler, wiht more than 6 airstones i dont think its overwatering. There seems to be yellow slime on my roots wtf isi t?

Black Light

Well-Known Member
If light gets to your roots. That's not good at all. That's why clear plastic cups are not recommended to use.


Active Member
Ah shit man sorry to hear, its probly best to start of with a soil grow then hydro when you get the hang of it.