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  1. kokop3lli

    outdoor nutrients

    Im planning on using Advanced Nutrients Big Bud in addition to earth juice bloom. Is this a good idea? Has anyone ever used advanced nutrients outdoors?
  2. kokop3lli

    Organic pH down dressing

    Hello all! So I hope that everyone is having a great outdoor season so far. This is my first time growing and I've been absolutely loving it. It's a bit stressful at times since I'm doing a guerrilla grow, but its been very rewarding to watch my plants develop into what they are now. Iv'e been...
  3. kokop3lli

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Hey everyone, so last night some gusts of wind swept through my place and when i went to check on my plants this morning there was some netting that was collapsed on one of my plants. The plant is fine but some of my buds got a little smashed and banged up. The pistils are no longer pinkish...
  4. kokop3lli

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Hopefully caterpillars and grasshoppers. He's prolly just chillin' though lol.
  5. kokop3lli

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    My little dude murking insects.
  6. kokop3lli

    outdoor 45gallon blue dream

    Nice dude! Im growing for the first time this summer also. Im doing 5 super sour og's in 45 gallon smart pots. They say the yield for those can get up to 3 pounds, but i would be perfectly ok with 1. I think 1 pound would be a safe bet for you too.
  7. kokop3lli

    Weed eating deer

    Pee, habanero's, blood, dead animals hanging upside down... This is probably the most badass thing anyone has ever told me! Fight fire with napalm mother******!!!
  8. kokop3lli

    Weed eating deer

    Haha rock and roll, brother! Ive always been a borderline animal rights activist, but after all of the shit these stupid deer put me through, I might just pick up hunting. How is the meat? Ive heard of people making deer burgers and jerky and ive always wanted to try it out!
  9. kokop3lli

    Weed eating deer

    I always piss around my grow area, but its mainly because im doing a guerrilla grow and i dont have anywhere else to relieve myself lol. I figured it would help keep deer away to some extent. But I live in deer country. There isnt much i can do. These things are seriously everywhere. When i go...
  10. kokop3lli

    Weed eating deer

    Thanks for all the feedback guys! I set up fishing line and spread out pieces of soap around my grow area before I transplanted my seedlings, but i guess these deer were just really hungry. I decided that im going to just set up some fencing around my plants. Im doing a guerrilla grow so im...
  11. kokop3lli

    Weed eating deer

    Hey all, this is my first post on here and i would really appreciate honest solutions to my dilemma. I am a first time grower, and so far everything has been going fine. But, the other day, a deer ate a good size chunk out of my plant, and im really worried that it is done for. I will attach...