Weed eating deer


Active Member
Hey all, this is my first post on here and i would really appreciate honest solutions to my dilemma. I am a first time grower, and so far everything has been going fine. But, the other day, a deer ate a good size chunk out of my plant, and im really worried that it is done for. I will attach photos so anyone with experience with this issue can share their opinions. The strain im growing is super sour og from emerald triangle seeds. And although i have 4 other plants of the same strain growing, I would hate to just toss the affected plant away, especially if it has a possibility of recovering. Should I LST? Give it nutes? IMG_1242.jpgIMG_1243.jpg


Well-Known Member
Theyre not donefor, they will make a full recovery. I suggest to get some wolf or cougar urine from walmart or a hunting store and use that to keep them away. A ring of that chicken wire with the squares for holes would also help. Even regular chicken wire with steaks. Theyll grow back. The one with the single stem id top in a while so that one top turns into two. Good luck :):):)


Active Member
Human Urine and Hair is what deer hate I hear. I wouldn't know. No deer in my neck of the woods. I only have to worry about jack rabbits and they don't seem to interested in much.


New Member
If you are a man try peeing around where you have your plants, If your a lady Ive heard it wont work has well cause not enough testosterone in females urine.


Well-Known Member
i have fought many a battle with verminous deer, and the best way to keep them away from your plants is Deer netting. Actually it is the only thing that I tried that worked for me

Every method I used failed big time except the netting.

List of useless Deer repellents:
Human urine (male)
Dog urine
Coyote urine
Shredded up bars of soap.( many diff. brands tested )
Fishing line strung around garden.
Human hair clippings
Dog hair clippings

Deer netting is a pain in the ass, but if you can surround your garden with it up to at least seven feet high....no more deer attacks.

This was when I was growing in the North Eastern US....also the summer I got Lyme disease...I hate Deer

Your plants will recover as long as there is some leaf remaining after the bastards finish destroying your plants.

Good luck.



This it what someone told me last year during my 1st grow be thankful that the deer just topped your plant for you..bad thing is he came back 2 weeks later and ate the rest


Active Member
Thanks for all the feedback guys! I set up fishing line and spread out pieces of soap around my grow area before I transplanted my seedlings, but i guess these deer were just really hungry. I decided that im going to just set up some fencing around my plants. Im doing a guerrilla grow so im running a serious risk by doing this, but I really cant afford to lose any more plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the feedback guys! I set up fishing line and spread out pieces of soap around my grow area before I transplanted my seedlings, but i guess these deer were just really hungry. I decided that im going to just set up some fencing around my plants. Im doing a guerrilla grow so im running a serious risk by doing this, but I really cant afford to lose any more plants.
I strongly advise you to use netting as it is almost invisible from any distance....I use the trees that surround the plot as fence posts...make sure it is well over 6 feet in height....

I hate Deer


Well-Known Member
Those damned weed loving deer. I personally haven't dealt with them yet, but I often piss around my grow spot, marking my territory..


Active Member
Those damned weed loving deer. I personally haven't dealt with them yet, but I often piss around my grow spot, marking my territory..
i have read many forums saying to piss around ur site but also ive read many that say DONT...i asked a buddy who does outdoor and his advice was DONT PISS AROUND UR SITE....once the human scent fades away from the piss the dear get curious wondering what the scent is and go crazy tryin to find out what it is and always come back around the site frequently until they figure out whats goin on and if they hungry b-4 they find out its human well my friend ur plants jus maybe there lunch...so i personally dont do it..i use soap dryer sheets and moth balls alll around the perimeter of my grow....thats jus my 2 cents

Keith Stone

Well-Known Member
i shoot 'em and eat 'em. but yeah, not everybody eats game or even meat (deer are made of it). hell that's why they call it "game".


Active Member
I always piss around my grow area, but its mainly because im doing a guerrilla grow and i dont have anywhere else to relieve myself lol. I figured it would help keep deer away to some extent. But I live in deer country. There isnt much i can do. These things are seriously everywhere. When i go to visit my plants at night i can hear them take off as soon as they detect me. I recently put fencing around each one of my pots that im growing my plants in and it will definitely prevent any deer from getting to them. But from what i hear, the strain im growing can get pretty big and i dont want to confine their growing space, so i might take Wavels advice and just set up deer netting. Thanks again for all the responses!


Active Member
i shoot 'em and eat 'em. but yeah, not everybody eats game or even meat (deer are made of it). hell that's why they call it "game".
Haha rock and roll, brother! Ive always been a borderline animal rights activist, but after all of the shit these stupid deer put me through, I might just pick up hunting. How is the meat? Ive heard of people making deer burgers and jerky and ive always wanted to try it out!


Active Member
SubSonic .22L from the Remington Fieldmaster pump werks fer me. Some butter and garlic in the cast iron skillet. Fresh Venison heart on the BBQ!

pm me directions, I'll take em out fer ya.

Hell, the neighbors will hear it frying up before they ever know a shot was fired.

Just saying.

My deep freeze is running low.


Active Member
Haha rock and roll, brother! Ive always been a borderline animal rights activist, but after all of the shit these stupid deer put me through, I might just pick up hunting. How is the meat? Ive heard of people making deer burgers and jerky and ive always wanted to try it out!
You my friend, I pity. Never had Venison? Never had Wild Game? Only store bought "factory meats"? Do not tell me you never caught a fish and BBQ'd her up.:cry: Never shot Ducks or Geese? No Pheasant or Grouse?

Fresh, aged Venison is indescribable. Venison Jerky? I'll hurt you for it. Badly. Every year I get my licenses and tags. Fresh and Saltwater, 2 Rod endorsement, Hunting, Small Game up to Deer. Lobster. Last Deer came out of a little spot the other side of Frazier Park, Ca.

But be careful, Venison is a GateWay Food. Once you have it you will want more. And remember, reach for mine and I'll hurt ya. Very Badly.


Active Member
Fresh venison (I mean really fresh)...

Kill the deer (crossbow is my weapon of choice). Hang the deer on a gambrel. Gut. Skin. Remove head and legs. Flush out cavity with plenty of clean water. Reach into cavity and gently pull out the tenderloins. Smother with garlic butter and broil on each side for three minutes. Plate. Knife. Fork.

Mmmm Mmmm GOOD! :-D