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  1. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower???? HERE IS THE LINK TO THE FEEDING CHART TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA.
  2. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    I would go with the 3-3-6 it has less nitrogen in the ratio but technically they all look like flower nutes. The first number is the nitrogen and you dont want that in flower. After 3 weeks of flower you dont need it. Problem is you cant take it out of the bottle, that is why i use a three part...
  3. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    Also helps if your always stoned when tending to your garden. Does not make much sense to be stressed and taking care of buds. Haha just my rule and also another excuse to get medicated haha. Peace cannabisinamerica check out my youtube vid i just posted last week "dwc hydro grow / cactus...
  4. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    Fan leaves are the powerplant for the whole plant and also when in flowering the fan leaves will power the buds. So it is a game of not cutting tomany but you also dont want to block light from other bud sites. Three weeks into flower i would not cut anything at all except for air circulation to...
  5. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    Npk values vary from plant stage to plant stage so does the ppm.
  6. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    No do not cut the fan leaves like that. Thats olny good for clones that you want to root. If you cut part of a leaf it will spend energy to fix it. If you need to cut some leaves for light and air then cut of the whole leaf and pitiole (ps im bad at spelling) that way the plant does not try to...
  7. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    i am assuming you are going all organic? The nuts you have are for propagation as stated in the web site. The bottle you have is an additive and not meant for use as a base nute or micro nutes. You are getting by because the soil has nutes too. Just google nutrients needed for plant growth and...
  8. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    i am assuming you are going all organic? The nuts you have are for propagation as stated in the web site. The bottle you have is an additive and not meant for use as a base nute or micro nutes. You are getting by because the soil has nutes too. Just google nutrients needed for plant growth and...
  9. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    You need both, you calibrate 7.01 and 4.01 on the ph meter and on the ppm its just one pack of 1382. So the 1382 is 1382 ppm and the meter when calibrated will match the 1382ppm. Other meters are different so just get whats recomended for your meter.
  10. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    I use hanna primo ppm and hanna ph meters. They are like 30 bucks or so each. I have seen that blue lab is prob the best but expensive. Mine work great and are prob the cheapest and will do the job. Make sure you get calibration solution packs or bottles as they are not calibrated when you buy...
  11. C

    buds ready yet

    What strain is she and what it the flower time on her?? Is it a 12 week strain?? Also looks like you have to much nitrogen this far into flower. Thos leaves are really green and should not be. Cut off the nitrogen completely, there should be small amounts in the flower nutes u use. What are you...
  12. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    Not testing the runoff is a mistake. Without a ppm and ph meter you will have no idea as to what is going into your plants. If you dont test the runoff ph and ppm you will have no idea as to what is in the soil if that is your medium?? what is the medium?? Maxicrop as I looked online is only...
  13. C

    Still no real sign of buds after nearly 3 weeks in flower????

    Hello jsynicky, welcome to the wonderfull world of growing. I have had this issue when I first started growing and dont worry this experience will just let you learn more than If your grow was perfect, imho. Anyways, what were you feeding the plant before you started flowering and what did you...